FIFA World Cup Day 1 Review



So the wait is almost over. Just more than a day left to the start of The FIFA World Cup 2014.  32 teams from 6 continents will battle it out for the greatest glory in the international football. It’s a football extravaganza. This time the world cup is in Brazil. There will be no snowfall or rain but a very hot climate where players would be running out the ground for the glory. The world cup is starting from 12th June and will end on 14 July.

32 teams are divided into 8 groups, each group containing 4 teams. Each team will be playing other three countries from the same group once. From those 4 teams of each group only 2 will qualify for the round of 16, later there will be quarter finals, then semi finals and then The Grand Finale. Here is a table showing how each team is divided into different groups.

Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F Group E Group H
Brazil Spain Colombia Uruguay Switzerland Argentina Germany Belgium
Croatia Netherlands Greece Italy Ecuador Bos n Herz Portugal Russia
Mexico Chile Ivory Coast England France Iran Ghana Korea
Cameroon Australia Japan Costa Rica Honduras Nigeria USA Algeria


Do read my article I have written on 3 teams having the best chance for winning the World Cup.


There will be great players like Messi, Ronaldo, Iniesta, Van Persie, Xavi, Silva, Cavani, Rooney, Aguero, Drogba and many more in action but there will be some superstars missed due to no qualifications of their respective country or injuries.. Most notable misses would be Ribery, Suarez, Bale, Reus and Ibrahimovic.

But it is still going to be a world cup worth watching for football and sports fans around the world. Let’s enjoy this one month of action straight from Brazil.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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