FIFA World Cup Quotes, Texts Messages, Sayings, SMS In English For WhatsApp


2014 FIFA World Cup is taking place in Brazil from 12 June 2014 to 13 July 2014. This is the 2nd time Brazil will host the competition, previous was in 1950. FIFA World Cup is an international men’s football tournament.

Don’t miss to check – 10 Cool Superb FIFA World Cup Jokes, SMS, Funny Status For WhatsApp, Facebook

Here we present FIFA World Cup Quotes, Texts Messages, Sayings, SMS In English For WhatsApp:

  1. Like ironman said we have Hulk, we Argentina fans says we have one Messi against all of ya players.
  2. East or West Neymar is the best and we just don’t care if someone is trying to Mess it up, lol if you know what i mean.
  3. You can play, just for the sake of playing but not to defeat us(your team).
  4. If Facebook asks me whats on your mins i will simply answer pure football and Samba tune is on ma mind.

1 2 3 4 5

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