Fight Cyber Bullying: A Message To ALL!


With the increase in technology today, the world that we live in has transitioned in many ways. One of the biggest revolutions in technology has been the invention of internet, along with which came social networking. Social networking sights are rather recent however the speed at which they are popularizing in the society is overwhelming.

But every great invention has its side effects too. With the population in social networking sights increasing, people have found a new medium for staging their negative actions. Cyber bullying has become a common phenomenon in today’s generation and a common fear for the people. Youth as we all know is very a fierce, hormonal and confused stage in anyone’s life. Teenagers are moody, hot blooded, juvenile, naive and their this immaturity leads to either becoming the bullies to act cool by succumbing to peer pressure or becoming the victims and attempt harming themselves, not being able to handle the torture.

To all the cyber bullies, the message would be that although you don’t realize it, but you act like cowards; being anonymous, creating fake accounts and false rumors. Instead of making someone look bad, try making yourself look good. That would prove to be much more efficient than what you do now.  Friends should also act with maturity and support the victims as friends rather than spreading rumors and making a fuss out of the whole situation. So stop acting like ignorant fools and be sensible. This is one the most crucial yet beautiful stage of your life. Live, Love and Laugh. Make friends, make memories, make your life, make your career. With so much to do at this time, why wile away your precious time in such stupidity?


And to all the victims, I would say that yes, you have been tortured and hurt but stop victimizing yourselves more by replaying it in your mind. You have to stop over thinking and over analyzing every situation. Think of it as a challenge and overcome. Yes, it isn’t very easy, but that’s how you learn, that’s how you experience. Remember, such incidents are a part of your life. One part isn’t your entire life. No one can convince you with advice if you don’t convince yourself. Make your life worth living. After all, you are the creator of your own destiny.

No matter what we say, cyber bullying has become a very serious issue which has led to the loss of many precious young lives. It is necessary for us to understand this threat, not make an issue out of such cases and rather support the victims and punish the bullies.

– Anwesha Rath


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