Film Star Fixation In Fashion? Your Guide To What’s Hot And What’s Definitely Not!


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We draw a lot of our hair and makeup inspiration from celebrities. Thanks to their flawless and sometimes daring looks, we’ve been inspired to experiment a lot. But while we do so we should be acquainted with the hot’s and the not’s.

Below are the beauty trends you should leave behind this year and the ones you should fully embrace this year:-

DROP: French tip nail art

French tips are one of the most classic nail designs. However, piling on a bunch of tacky studs, jewels and other accoutrements just makes this manicure look more dated.

KEEP: Nail art inspired by real art

If you’re going to go all out with your nail art, why not dress up your fingertips in designs that channel classic art pieces? The concepts make for great conversation starters, and when worn with interesting outfits, your nail art will definitely look like a stroke of genius.

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DROP: Over-straightened hair

It’s time to ditch this overdone trend because, firstly, it takes way too much time to get your hair to look like this. Secondly, it’s bland. We would much rather see your natural waves and volume than some limp stick-straight hair.

KEEP: Naturally, tousled locks

There’s just something awesome about a girl who looks like all she did was brush a comb through her hair and step out the door. It’s such an effortless look that exudes confidence.

natural hair

DROP: Stiletto nails

These nails are scary. They look like talons and impossible to do any everyday activities while wearing.

KEEP: Almond-shaped nails

I suggest opting for a subdued almond shape this year to showcase your cool nail art. It especially looks great with longer nails — just make sure they are not too long.

almond nails

DROP: Too-orange skin

And the days of going to tanning salons and spray tans officially over. Orange, overly-tanned skin just looks unnatural and unhealthy.

KEEP: Healthy-looking complexions

Pale girls, rejoice! Everybody is  loving milky and natural complexions. Instead of burning your skin in a tanning bed, save the money and skin cancer and let your natural skin tone radiate.

healthy skin

DROP: Hair bows

This seemed to be a huge year for grown women to wear big bows in their hair. While the idea is cute, it just looks a little strange to see an adult sporting something we wore when we were two.

KEEP: Headbands

If you’re going to wear a cutesy thing in your hair, make it a headband. Stars proved this year that if you pair a headband with a mature outfit, the contrast really works. It also serves as a great accessory to simply-styled hair.

hair band

DROP: Inside arm tattoos

The placement of inside arm tattoos can actually come across quite beautifully. But we’ve seen more than our share of poetic messages tatted in script or awkward symbols that fade into God knows what.

KEEP: Hand tattoos

Hand tattoos are the new inner arm tattoos. So many cool and trend-setting girls got them this year. An exotic one was Rihanna’s epic traditional Mori tattoo, which instead of ink, used chisel, ink pigment and a mallet.


DROP: Bubblegum pink lipstick

The bubblegum pink lipstick trend that some of the celebs sparked should be wiped clean from the face of every girl who followed suit. It’s simply not a great lip color on any skin tone.

KEEP: Fuchsia lipstick

So it’s time you take note from Kerry Washington. All you need is one swipe of this universally-flattering shade to brighten up your lips and face.

fuschia lip color


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Riya Lokhande


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