Financial institutions and market
Paper pattern:-
Q1. Objectives (15 marks)
Q2. Full length questions (2 sets of 2 questions each. Attempt any one set)
Q3. Full length questions (2 sets of 2 questions each. Attempt any one set)
Q4. Full length questions (2 sets of 2 questions each. Attempt any one set)
Q5. Short notes (3 of 5)
Unit 1
- What are the importance and functions of a financial system
- Explain the role of government in the financial system
- Elaborate the development of indian financial system since independence
- SN- Banking and Non Banking financial institutions
- Explain fund based and non fund based financial services
- Explain organised and unorganised markets
- What are micro finance and what are its advantages
- What are the barriers of micro financing in India
Unit 2
- Explain the role of various financial regulators in India
- Role of RBI
- Role of PFRDA
- Role of IRDA
- How are commercial banks classified
- Role of LIC, GIC
- What are the various services provided by NBFCs
- Role of functions of NABARD, SIDBI and rating agencies
Unit 3
- What are the functions of Indian money markets
- Who are the participants of Indian money markets
- Explain the importance and features of Indian capital markets
- Who are the different participants in the Indian capital markets
- SN- Stock indies, ADR and GRD
- Explain the role of insurance
- Explain the advantages of mutual funds
- SN- Derivative markets
Unit 4
- Explain the advantages of bank oriented systems
- What are the dimensions of a well defined finance system
- SN- Stakeholder lender conflict
- How are the indian financial market systems different from other developed market systems
- How do financial markets fail
- SN- Disinvestment
Text books recommended
- Sheth Publications,
- Vipul Publications