“Financial Management” Book


Book 3

“Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple”
– Albert Einstien

I earnestly hope that the book will make complicated Subject F.M, Published by Himalaya Publications in a very simple way to understand and SCOrE high marks in Exams.

I look forward for constructive suggestion from the reader.

I am thankful to one and all who have contributed directly or indirectly to make this book possible.

This book is user friendly & different. As one goes through the book one will feel the difference, and this will help to master finance in an enjoyable manner, with life time utility.

This is Strictly as per TYBMS SEM V Syllabus Prescribed By MUMBAI UNIVERSITY

Best Wishes.
Million Thanks

P.G.D.Ed.M, M.Com (Finance)

Students of below colleges are inspiration behind writing and making this book possible.

Visiting Faculty :-
 Vivekanand Education Society.
 LALA Lajpatrai College.
 Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology.
 Mumbai Education Trust.
 Sydnem Institute of Management.

Ex. Visiting Faculty :-
 Monjee College.
 Usha Pravin Gandhi.
 Bhavan’s College (Andheri).
 Rizvi College.
 S.K. Somaiya.
 Akbar Peerbhoy.
 Bhurani College.
 Podar College etc.


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