Syllabus of Financial Market Operations
(Additional Course under Optional Courses at TYBMS Semester VI)
wef the Academic Year 2014-15
Unit I: Overview and Structure of Indian Financial Market: (12 Lectures)
A)Financial system : Meaning, Role and Functions of a Financial System, Organised and Unorganised Financial System.
B) Components: Financial Assets, Financial Intermediaries, Financial Markets (Money and Capital markets in India) Relevance of various interest/return rates, Regulatory framework, Financial Instruments (in brief). Factors Responsible for the Development of Capital Market in India.
Unit II: Indian Financial System: (12 Lectures)
(a) Capital Markets: Meaning, Role and importance, Development initiatives and reforms (in brief). Composition: Primary-Secondary
- Primary Markets: Meaning, instruments, New Issue Market: Features, objectives and functions, Constituents or players, Problems and Recent Developments including the concept of book building. Modes of procuring long term funds: Public issue, Rights issue, Bonus issue, Private placement.
- Secondary Markets.: Meaning, Functions of the stock exchange, Benefits to the community-investors-companies, Listing of securities and its benefits, Stock market indices, Types of dealings, types of securities traded on the Indian stock exchanges, Comparison of the three exchanges (BSE, NSE, OTCEI)
Unit III: Financial institutions and regulatory bodies: (12 Lectures)
(b) Capital Market institutions: (Meaning and functions) Merchant Banks, Investment companies, Management Investment companies, Development banks, Mutual Funds.
(c) Special Financial Institutions: Factors for their growth (need). Objectives and functions of: 1) IDBI (2) IFCI (3) SIDBI (4) EXIM Bank of India
Credit Rating Agencies: Meaning and role of such agencies. A brief idea about : CRISIL, ICRA.
(f) Others: A brief idea about: NSDL, STCI.
(b) Money Markets: Meaning, features of organized and unorganised money markets Instruments: Treasury Bills, Certificate of Deposits, Commercial Paper, Call money Commercial bills, Inter-corporate deposits, Inter-bank participation certificates.
Unit IV: Contemporary Issues: (14 Lectures)
Fundamental and Technical Analysis, Private Placement, Credit Analysis, Demat Trading-Concept, Advantages, Steps, Factoring-Concept , Forfaiting-Concept , Leasing-Concept, Types, Advantages, Venture Capital- Concept, Methods, Merchant Banking, Hire Purchase, Intermediaries in Financial Markets, Financial Services.
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