First Day at College: BMS – Best Memories Sown!


Where was I? How was I? 50 Kilometers away, 2 Hours away, from home, alone, in a totally Brand new, sealed world, with black polka dots Shirt, which was then my favorite piece of cloth, and jeans with best fitting, shoes with a leather touch, which was not (OGee)original. It was that day of every teenager, when everyone tried to look the best, irrespective to their own comfort levels!  From a Boy to a Guy, from First Year to Third Year, from Room No. G1 – G8, from 18 Year old – 21 year old, those were the Three years of BMS, spent in HINDUJA COLLEGE OF COMMERCE.

There it goes, when the day started with a lecture, which was boring till death! Yeah! That was my status update from my Nokia 5130 – a simple, yet the most common Cellphone then, when Nokia still had a catch over the market, and Samsung and other Brands were still unknown by many of us!


“Damn yaar, LAW Lecture, its soo Boring….!” – Facebook Status update.


It wasn’t something big, updating a status then, but yes! Updating a status from your mobile Phone, in between the lecture, sitting right in front of the professor, was the biggest stunt for me! The craze it was, on my mind! Yeah, today, being a Graduate I sit here and think, it really does sounds silly, but that was a different age, different mindset, in altogether a different orbit!

Jumping back to few other memories on the first day, I met few humans as well!

A Guy with Blue Checks shirt, Jeans, Round Nepali face, with a RED TIKKA on his forehead, Literally a long one right from the middle of his two eyebrows, till the “Girls Sindoor area”… He spoke too much. Seemed like some Maharashtrian, but wasn’t, Had answer to every question, and a doubt to every word, the professor spoke! 😀

“On the first day, I Never thought he will become an inspiration to many students, including me!”

There was a girl in the campus area, leaving back her belongings in the class, wasn’t allowed to enter back by the security. I heard a yell!! “Excuse me! are you in fybms? Can you please get my ID Card from the class?” – Saying a NO was not possible on this earth – She was the first girl I spoke to, rather who incidentally and accidently spoke to me! 😀  On finding out that her bag was safely guarded by her friend, who today, fortunately & apparently happens to be MY BEST FRIEND, an arrogant, conscious, pretty, short haired, catholic XX Chromosome containing Human! Who after a quick rapid fire round, thought of giving the ID Card. I wondered if she thought I was a terrorist, and my next target was she and her friend! 😀

“I never thought, that pretty catholic lady, will become my Best pal on earth, who thought I was some rowdy spoilt brat!”- It was my First Day!

Another Gujju Guy, who I never thought will become the “Rock Star of my college”, with long hair, better quality than many other girls out there.

Not to forget, the pretty females out there, as just a matter of fact that, The Bird watching had begun! Right from the First day! – A Gratified Acceptance by a boy then!

To summarize the first day, in a poetic way…


I shall remember, The Watchman, who was perpendicular to the floor!                                             

He seemed to be trained by Army people. Standing tall at the door!

That Unknown Feel, of visiting a foreign land, with an address note crushed in your hand.  

 The Unfamiliarity that keeps haunting you, along with a weird confidence which keeps flaunting you!

The Campus seemed to be crowded and packed; there was my mind, consciously trapped!


Sometimes, Even the Words & Rhymes are insufficient.

First day of BMS, taught Managing and adjusting oneself right from the beginning.

It will always be there, somewhere in the middle of my schedule, in the middle of meetings, in the middle of outings, in the middle of my life! The first day of my college life, the first day of BMS!

#LuvBms #Hindujaite #CollegeLife – I Miss you all!

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Amrit Achipalya
Completing my Grads from Hinduja this year(2013), in Management Studies, the preparations are in full swing for Masters. Meanwhile, I Work, I Surf, I watch Movies, I DO NOT READ, NOR DO I DANCE. :P I Reside in Thane, a city, which is not yet fully converted into a Concrete Jungle.


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