First Day in BMS


This morning was a bit different than usual, as I had my new college to attend. I woke up early, which was quite unusual especially after the long vacations that had just got over.

Nervousness, excitement, anxiety and curiosity were some of the feelings that I went through on my first day of college.

I entered the class as if I was entering a new world where I felt I knew nobody, I am all different from them  and without even having a glance at the entire class I quickly grabbed a seat on the first bench.

I felt really awkward sitting in the class simply doing nothing. I think most of the girls feel this way for the first time, unlike boys who still manage to make friends as soon as they enter the class. I think they bond sooner.

Few minutes later, a girl came and sat besides me. I need not tell you what happened next.

When two girls meet as strangers, they either become good friends or end up as great enemies later. Fortunately, Nancy and I were trying to befriend each other. Soon, chatting with people around me became easy.

The first lecture was about to begin.

The teacher entered the class. He/She introduced herself and also asked each one of us to introduce ourselves to the rest of the class.

Now this ritual has always been interesting for everyone. It’s something that we all are so aware of, yet everybody’s heart beats faster till their turn comes. I managed to give a normal introduction of mine. The introduction process ate up most of the time, and soon lecture came to an end.

I was happy with my first day in FY BMS. Although first days are meant to be something special, there was nothing so special about my first day.

Name:-Sanjana sambhu singh

Class: FY BMS

College: C K Thakur college,New panvel

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Sanjana Singh


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