First day @ MMK College


My first day at MMK college was like……. Aa aa….. This seems too childish… cut to cut with no feelings… lets go a little behind the scenes of my struggle to get into MMK for the BMS course.

A little filmy but very true. As the results were out, people were rushing to secure their seats, lists came up, people partied on getting into MMK, some were happy while others were ok; and while all this was going around I was just waiting and waiting for my name in all the merit lists for BMS. Days passed, lists came out but I was a little unfortunate as always. My hardluck never lead my way. I was under the pressure and tension whether I m really going to get into this college or no!

Passing out from the same college still proved no advantageous as I was finding it hard to get into BMS with a less of just 0.5%.  People in the college knew me and so suggested to join the normal course till I get my seat into BMS. I did so. Days passed but there was no news of happiness. No lists came out. I had a father figure whom I still look upon during my hard times. He comforted me saying that I m soon going to be blessed with something I prayed for day in and day out. Just as the 2nd week passed by I lost all the hopes of getting into the BMS course from my own college. I made up my mind for taking up as my career. But as it is said, ‘sooner or later god will answer all your prayers’ and my prayers were answered. I was told that the fifth list was put up and my name happened to be the first on the list. My happiness knew no bounds. I went running home to get my mom along so that without much of an ado I was IN.

Admissions were done. Visit to Haji ali was done. Prayers and thanking was done. And now came the time. MY FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE IN MMK INTO THE BMS COURSE. I was excited, nervous, happy, sad, loved, dreamy, futuristic and what not. As I entered the gate, it was all pride. A “phhewww” feeling  soon came in. I don’t remember how many times I must have walked in and out of that gate during my junior college but I that day it was special. I still remember that feeling when I entered, I felt like hugging my best friend tight and cry aloud. All those tears actually meant so much. As I was about to cry, my best friend pushed me in and slapped me in front of almost 25-30 people standing there. I was so embarrassed that I started laughing at myself. We both stood there laughing not realizing that I was so late for my lecture that I could have been thrown out for being this late. I rushed to the 2nd half floor to get my timetable and my roll call. And what do I see when I check my time table? The cherry for the creamiest cake I have ever had. It was Kavish sir’s lecture (the father figure in the college whom I talked about). I rushed to the IT lab calling out for him so loud that almost entire college must have heard me call him. I dashed into the lab screaming his name so happily that I dint even realize that I was supposedly seeing new people. More than 30 people present I made them all jolt. There was a pin drop silence to the marketic chaos like noise that people heard a few minutes ago. Soon did I also realize that sir wasn’t even present to get down my embarrassment.  With that straight face and an embarrassed look I walked towards the corner and sat beside a girl. A girl too weird, a girl too friendly. (she is the one who is my best friend now :p)  along with her was another crazy girl who was equally weird and so funny. ( she is also my best friend or call us partners in crime). All starring me so much and out of embarrassment I couldn’t even utter a word. To my redressal,  sir walked in and asked us to shift to the other lab on the 3rd floor. As all walked out, I stood there behind sir knowing that he dint actually notice who was there in the class. I bhauuued him from behind. As he saw me standing there, he was confused. To clear his confusion, I introduced myself to him as “hello sir, this is Mizba Malim from FYBMS. The only known face you will find in the class of more than 30.” Both of us happily sat down there talking about everything that happened after we last talked when he was just comforting me and asking me not to take tension about silly things in life. After about 15 minutes have passed, we realized we had to rush for the lecture. We took the lift for the 3rd floor and all our way, we were just laughing. As we both entered, people sitting in there started starring me once again. Sir noticed what was happening and asked me what was wrong. I told him bla bla bla that had happened and as soon as I finished he broke into laughter. He introduced me to the class and again I landed up beside both those idiots, Vishaka and Asawari. As the lecture was going on, we smelled something very yucky. It was the smell of the newly painted room that was closed since it was painted. We all couldn’t bare with it so we asked sir if we could walk out and wait outside for a while till the smell had vanished. As we were all waiting outside, sir walked off to get done with his other work till the time we were done. All standing in groups, I passed a smile to almost each of one and started my conversation with myself on who is going to become my friend a few days later. I observed each person standing there and as usual came up with some or the other flaws. I was so happy that everybody I saw there was no different. Everyone just exactly the way I was. A little weird, a little cute, lot more intelligent and a perfect dressing sense. In short, I was standing with a very good crowd of BMS students from MMK College. The name itself made me proud. After a lot of hardships your prayer gets answered and you stand with the perfect people you have wanted to be with. As I looked at one girl, she was so pretty. Just like a doll that any guy will fall for her immediately. But what happened next was something my eyes still don’t believe themselves. She moved forward and started smelling the entire area like a dog. She went of smelling and smelling the air till she was pulled back by one of her friend. I was happy that I wasn’t the only weird and funny girl that the FYBMS division B was going to have! Soon my eyes spotted two girls again who were looking at me as if they were reading my face. I passed a smile and they smiled back to me. A little later, the thing was sorted and we continued our lecture. My first 1 hour 15 minutes lecture. As we all left a little tired and more of happy since that was the only lecture we had that day. I sat back with sir telling him how lucky he is always been for me. Talking to him, time just flew by and there I happened to receive a call from my best friend. So excited, she started her questions one by one and I answered them all in a line. She asked me to leave as it was very late and I had to be home for my Friday prayers.

As I stepped out of the lab, walking down the stairs, I called back all that happened to me that day and that brought a bigg smile on my face. And when I still think of that day, I m always amused of how can I remember just every bit of it and still smile in any situation I ll be in.

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Mizba Malim


  1. ur 1st day in colg experience is amazing indeed….ur words,determination,faith,hardwrk and ability to laugh on own self is gr8….welcum to bms…fr any academic help can contact me on my mail…

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