First day of my BMS


My first day of senior college is 1st July 2013, Monday as an important day of my life. Early in the morning I am wake up and took a bus and reach to the college. I step up the stairs and see the very big and colourful Rangoli is drawn. This special Rangoli is drawn for by students “welcome”. I entered college premises with great hopes and aspirations and I glad to see that view . After some time search my class room. Some senior college student helps me to show my class room. There having strict rules. I entered into my class. The class is big. I sit on third bench.

After some time my class teacher come. We all stand and wish him. Then teacher introduce himself as computer and statistics professor with the name “Sachin sir”. Then we one by one introduce our self. Sir aks a simple question that is, “Why you are took the BMS” Some of them answered they don’t want to take a commerce. They want to make in Currier Management. But I answered, “i want to become a Manager. I want make my future in Management Studies. BMS give me that opportunity.”

I found all new students in high spirit. They were happy to make a friends. I take a one move of my new college and i was surprise to see that a very huge library. I feel homely atmostphere which i feel lack in our school days.   This climate feels me very easy and comfort.


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Sonali Shedge


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