First impression is the last impression @ KIRAN 2013


First impression is the last impression. Keeping this in mind, when we look at the posters of KIRAN 2013 we can see how grand it is. The creative committee of KIRAN 2013 have done brilliant job.

Walking through the corridors and watching the fine creativity of ‘creative committee’ hanging through the ceiling, stuck to the staircase and banners on the corner of the floors brings smile on every students face and satisfaction to the committee members.

The committee head Karishma Jetha, Tejal Dave, Siddhi Bhagat, have done great job of not only performing their tasks with flying colors but also grinding their juniors Brijlani Dabhi, Nidhi Lania and Pooja Sangoi. They compete every time and set new standards for themselves by creating something new and bringing ‘WOW’ factor to it.

The creative committee had brought in lot of creativity, colors and life to KIRAN 2013. They catch attention by their fine ideas and memorizing banners. Brilliant creativity, lot of hard work and their team work, that’s all, what brings applaud to their work.

Check out the Kiran 2013 Album at

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