Fitness – not a Destination, a Way of Life!

Fitness now-a-days is not just about loosing those extra pounds or getting a bulky body,it is the basis of dynamic creative intellectual activity.’Take care of your body- It’s the only place you have to live’.
 As we all see,people hit various gyms,sports and fitness institutions to essentially get in shape,to look good and have confidence.But there’s lot more in store and we shall know it once we start it.Being fit is very important for people in their 40’s and 50’s,but one can be able to make it a lifestyle only when started early.
 Gyming is very common among youngsters,its a topic of discussion – how many pounds? how many reps? how many grams of protein? how many egg whites and so on.Fitness is not just about gyming but getting yourself involved in such conversations and practice definetly will make you feel lighter, not just physically but mentally.It’s scientifically proven that working out makes one happy.
Fitness Class
Once you workout you automatically feel the need to eat right and sleep right.People are in love with fitness,it just becomes a way of thinking and processing.Once you start getting in shape you don’t feel like stopping,then you are your own role model,you compete with yourself and soon enough people will start noticing and no matter what one definitely enjoys that sort of appreciation.
 Are you on instagram? then you would have surely come across Jen selter’s profile.She’s a fitness diva with over a million followers.You (might not) get millions to follow you,but that feeling when two of your friends or people who barely know you come to you and say – ‘Hey! You look hot as heck!’ or ‘Oh my god! You have pulled down so much!’.That feeling is amazing.Fitness can be the best reward to oneself.
 So there can possibly be no excuse if we get so much in return.No laziness,No ice-creams or chocolates can make you give up on THIS! Keep in mind ‘Don’t give up on what you want the most,for what you want now’.So get up and fill yourself with an inexhaustible energy and interest for fitness!
– Pranchal Joshi.

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