Flipkart Launches First Tablet For Rs. 9,999


digiflip pro xt712

Earlier we had reported about Flipkart’s private label Digiflip’s tablet, it is here. Flipkart launched its first tablet Digiflip Pro XT712, priced at Rs. 9,999. The tablet has two color variants viz. black and white with shopping benefits worth Rs. 5,000 and free e-books valued at Rs. 2,000 form the company.

Digiflip Pro has a dual sim 3G calling facility for faster data connectivity and voice calling; the seven inch size tablet has a 1.3GHz quad core cortex processor and 1 GB RAM. It weighs 285 grams, 1280×800 pixel HD resolution with IPS display.

Customers in 13 cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad will also get access to round-the -clock service at selected centres.

Services for tablet will be available through the company’s 120 network centres in over 100 cities across the country. Launched in October 2007, Flipkart offers 15 million products across 70 categories. With 18 million registered users, the portal claims to have 3.5 million hits a day and five million shipments a month.

Flipkart recorded sales of over Rs. 6,000 crore last fiscal, is expected to go public in a year or two, and is on an expansion spree form the last few months.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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