Flipkart’s Tablet Under Private Label Digiflip


flipkart digiflip

DigiFlip launched in 2012 is giving finishing touches to its brand of tablets which will be available soon. Under the private label DigiFlip, Flipkart has already sold a range of electronic and computer accessories like headphones, speakers and pen drives.

These products are mostly sourced from original equipment manufacturers in locations like China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and India. The tablet is also expected to be manufactured by these overseas vendors. Apple and Samsung are the leaders globally for tablets. Apple’s iPad Air retails at about Rs 35,900 while Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 3 retails at over Rs 26,000 on Flipkart. Home grown mobile device brand Micromax prices its tablets at a much more affordable range, with models starting from Rs 4,999 and going up to Rs 13,999.
As per experts’ opinion, selling tablets is different from selling headphones and speakers because the tablet market has great competition because of huge players like Apple, Samsung, Amazaon and many more.

Flipkart is an Indian e-commerce company founded in 2007, by Sachin and Binny Bansal and headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka.

Flipkart recently acquired Myntra.com marking the biggest consolidation in the e-commerce space in India, homegrown e-retailer Flipkart acquired online fashion retailer Myntra in an estimated Rs 2,000 crore deal.

–         By Anand Thakkar

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