Foodie Mee…!!!



Today is Friday, when we eagerly await for our weekend. Where Sunday brunches form a part of our plans for the Super holiday. And if its coupled with Non-Veg items, “toh kya baat hai”..!!

So for one such Sunday thing I have something special for you..

Well a Tandoori is something everyone of us must have had & fallen in love with, but what if we add a bit of ‘tadka’ to it??

Here’s something your family will surely savor;

Tandoori Chicken Gravy


1/4kg boneless chicken
2 tspn Ginger garlic paste
1 tspn Turmeric
1 tspn Garam masala powder
1 tspn Red chilli powder
1 tspn Tandoori masala (Everest)
2 tbspn cashew nuts paste (grind the nuts)
1 big onion
2 tbspn cooking cream
1 tbspn Tomato ketchup
2 tbspn oil
Salt as per taste
1 boiled egg and a few coriander and mint leaves for garnish


1. Wash and clean chicken.
2. Boil the chicken with turmeric, red chilli powder, garam masala, tandoori masala and adrak lasan paste.  Do not throw away the water.
3. Meanwhile cut the onion into slices.
4. In a pan add some oil and fry the onion pieces till they turn brown.
5. Then add cream and cashew paste and stir.
6. Add the boiled chicken along with the water to the pan.
7. Add salt as per taste and let it cook for five mins.
8. Now put one tablespoon of tomato ketchup, mix and let it cook.
9. When the gravy starts to thicken, close stove.
10. Garnish with boiled eggs cut into thin slices, coriander and mint leaves.


–         Navmeen Khot


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