10 Signs Food Is Your Only True Religion



1. You wake up looking forward to the exciting meals of the day. (In fact, you probably plan them out the night before.)32 Signs Food Is Your Only True Religion

2. If you have guests, you can’t wait for them to leave so you can attack food like a beast.32 Signs Food Is Your Only True Religion

3. Even when you seem to be engaged in conversations or doing work, you’re usually just preoccupied with pizza.32 Signs Food Is Your Only True Religion

4. And every juicy burger TV commercial has so far been a struggle.32 Signs Food Is Your Only True Religion

5. You sometimes unbutton your trousers in anticipation of a huge, delicious meal.32 Signs Food Is Your Only True Religion

6. Waiting for lunch break at work or school is an everyday battle.32 Signs Food Is Your Only True Religion

7. You are oblivious to the fact that Nutella is actually a spread and not meant to be eaten with a spoon.32 Signs Food Is Your Only True Religion

8. And you consider powdered milk and chocolate drink mix too holy to not be eaten pure.32 Signs Food Is Your Only True Religion

9. Cake/cookie batter = obvious emergency dessert.32 Signs Food Is Your Only True Religion

10. Food is often the only reason you agree to go out with your friends.

 32 Signs Food Is Your Only True Religion




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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .