Footballers who never lived up to their potential


Football is a cruel sport, one day you are a young potential who is poised to become a superstar in the future, you get big pay check, media attention, fans, trophies and everything but one injury or a dip in confidence and you fail to live up to the potential that the world rated you. There are some of the great players who just would have been legends but ended up as HAS BEENS. Let us have look at some of those players.



Brazilian striker with immense technical skills never lived up to the hype and was not even selected in Brazil’s World Cup probably will end his career somewhere in United States

Owen Hargreaves

He was the next Roy Keane of Manchester United, in 2006 he played like a beast in the middle, he had a good season with united, he won Champions League and Premier Leagues but injuries destroyed his potential and United never got the next Roy Keane they were waiting for.

Joe Cole

Joe Cole would have been a great player, look at his time under Jose Mourinho in Chelsea in his younger days, he had that potential to become big but injuries and change in clubs came as speed breakers and he never really became what he was expected to be.


On his day he was beast of a player but those days were few. Another Brazilian player in this list who didn’t live upto potential due to inconsistency.

Alexander Pato

He is still young but he was just like others having great potential and was one of the hot young Brazilian striker which top clubs would have loved to have but injuries destroyed his AC Milan career and now he is trying his luck in Brazil.

Michael Owen


He won a player of the year award, he would have been one of the best strikers England ever had but that never happened and somehow he never really lived up to the potential for Liverpool. Though in his CV he will have Liverpool, Real Madrid and Manchester United as the clubs he played for, but he would have been one of the greats.


He was poised to be the Cristiano Ronaldo v2, he played alongside Ronaldo at Manchester United and after Ron left he had the responsibility to fill the void but he never did it and became a lost and inconsistent player without any appetite left in the game.

Fernando Torres

Had he stayed at Liverpool he would have become one of the greatest strikers, he was one of the bests at his Liverpool days but an injury and a 50m transfer to Chelsea somehow destroyed his career, he lost his appetite for the game and now is probably searching for a new club.


– Jainam Jhaveri


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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