For internal mobility Management Development Programme is a must. Comment.


Q. For internal  mobility Management Development Programme is a must. Comment.


Ans. Management development is a systematic process of growth and development by which the managers develop their abilities to manage. So it is the result of not only participation in formal courses of instruction but also of actual job experience. It is concerned with improving the performance of the manager by giving them opportunities for growth and development, which in turn depends on organization structure of the company. The role of the company in management development is to establish the programme and develop opportunities for its present and potential managers.


Management development concept works on a technique that help develop the Manager and hence helps in internal mobility. It makes a manager helps a manager to think differently and take wise decisions. The Management Development Programme is designed with a view to achieving specific objectives which are very essential for internal mobility in an organization. The need can be defined as under:


  1. It overhauls the management machinery.
  2. It improves the performance of the manager.
  3. It gives the specialists an overall view of the functions of an organization and equips them to co-ordinate each others efforts effectively.
  4. It increases the morale of the members of the management group.
  5. It increases versatility of the management group.
  6. It keeps the executives abreast with the changes and developments in their respective fields.
  7. It creates the management succession which can take over in case of contingencies.
  8. It improves the thought process and analytical ability.
  9. It broadens the outlook of the executives regarding his role position and responsibilities.
  10. It helps to understand the conceptual issues relating to economic, social and technical rears.
  11. it helps understand the problems of human relations and improve human relation skills and
  12. It stimulates creative thinking.


The need for Management Development for internal mobility arises due to the following reasons:


  1. Techno managers like basic chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, information/systems engineers need to be developed in the arrears of managerial skills, knowledge and abilities.
  2. Professionalisation of management at all levels particularly in service organizations need the development of managerial skills and knowledge particularly at lower and middle levels.
  3. The need for management development arises due to providing technical skills and conceptual skills to non technical managers and managerial skills and conceptual skills to technical managers.
  4. The emergence of new concepts in management like Total Quality Management (TQM), Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Process Re-engineering, Empowerment etc. necessitates the management to offer developmental programmes.
  5. Entry of multinational and transnational corporations brought new trends and strategies for the domestic companies also. These factors necessitated the domestic companies to undertake developmental programmes.


There are mainly two types of methods by which managers can acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes and make themselves competent managers. One is through formal training and the other is through on job experiences. This is very essential because a manager will learn the processes that take place for different jobs. He may specialize in one subject but to have an idea of how things are in another area of specialization is the intention of MDP.








Some of the Job techniques that facilitate internal mobility are:


The important on the job techniques are coaching, job rotation, under study and multiple management.



Technique Suitability
Job Rotation This is particularly useful in development of diversified skills and to give executives a broader outlook, which are very important to the upper management levels.
Understudy An understudy is normally chosen with forethought of making available to the organization a subordinate who is equal to his superior in the event of retirement, illness or death of the superior. The subordinate will be able to take over his position and manage as effectively as his boss could.
Multiple Management This technique is mainly useful in bringing the managers out of their narrow shells and helps them gain a broader outlook and knowledge in different functional areas.
Case Study In the development of executive and analytical and decision making skills, this technique is used.
Incident Method The technique improves one’s intellectual ability, practical judgment and social awareness.
Role Playing Role playing helps executives in understanding people better by giving them vicarious experiences.
In Basket Situational judgment and social sensitivity are the two important qualities that can be developed with the help of this method.
Business Games This technique is used in order to develop organizational ability, quickness of thinking and leadership.
Sensitivity Training This helps one know more about himself and the impact of his behaviour on others, which are important to manage people better.
Simulation Problem solving through decision-making can be developed quite well with the help of simulation.
Managerial Grid To develop leadership qualities in executives over a long period of time.
Conferences The most difficult thing for any one is to change his own attitude. This technique develops the ability of the executives to modify their attitudes, when needed in the interest of the organization.
Lectures This is the best technique to give more knowledge in a short period of time to a large number of participants.


With the above, it is very clear that Management Development Programme is just inevitable and has to be conducted to facilitate internal mobility.

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