It’s obvious why people dress and shelter themselves. But today again the women is being targeted like the past and things are changing for her. Even if she dresses a question is raised and hence I felt like writing a piece on it, people felt to raise their voice and discuss about it, and you chose to read this. The way a girl dresses is none of the observer’s business. People have their own choice and preferred likings. If a girl dresses – she dress for HERSELF and not for the big eyes poppers on the streets who perceive her fake intentions. She dress for her own personality and character. The way she is and she loves to be. There is no intention i.e. why I said “fake intentions”. It is sadly created by some brainless viewers – some brainless idiots …due to which the world is facing this, not some actually…many brainless idiots. Who are you to snatch her right to fulfill her princessly wishes.
A woman is also a human and she has all rights to fulfill her wishes to look beautiful the way she thinks. Every girl wants to look beautiful not because she wants to grab thousands men’s attention…because she feels beautiful to dress in an attire that satisfies her buds. It is not her intention to attract some pig’s attention at her and view her in a different way, or comment on her style or beauty or hopelessly even dare to tease her. Fashion and style statement are spreading hugely and people are accepting it. The world is changing. But some humankind’s enemies who don’t tend to accept the modern free change from brain…create problems…a lot of life facing problems for others. The society is turning to be a place of freedom and intellectual free thoughts. But still while raising up there are these few enemies who slip down every time purposely and contribute only a cheap part towards the change revolution.
The evil demons the society is dealing with – rape, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, molestation, and harassment- these seems to be increasing suddenly. The social media gives a wide exposure to everything in the world. Also movies portray sexuality. But you realize these things are not suddenly evaluated. It’s the social media that is unrevealing the truths. When I read the paper there are cases everyday where a father sexually harasses her daughter over years. The social media has gained sudden splurge in only few years. So this shows the enemies of mankind are rooting from long time. The brainless species are here with us. On the same land. Surrounding us.
Now when rape cases spread in large – we all know who the culprit is. But the “society” has different people with their so called different unwanted reviews. The only culprit is the one performing it. The victim is and cannot be the culprit ever. You only need an empty space above your face and 0 % shame with all the stinking and rust rubbish garbage in your head, body, nerves, genes, cells everywhere to even DARE to touch a women and claim her sexually without her permission. Such rapist only deserve to have a very bad crucial death and never get peace.
Why I say this strongly …because we have proofs. Proofs generated by the culprits themselves.  It’s not only a young women who faces this but all age groups. What attraction performance has a 3 year old small little girl done that she faces a dying behavior? What? It’s the RAPIST MIND. The case is solved. Until we have dogs who are not tamed, not educated to respect girls and provide them a do not list – these dogs will harm the society.
The next issue that raises off the temper of our respectful women is when recognized personality prints an unsolicited advice. The recently advice of singer Yesudas that girls would not trouble people by wearing jeans. And also previously some statements by the leaders of recognized parties. The completely unacceptable comments and advice on how women should dress, behave and conduct themselves. These people say what must be covered should be covered. Men will LOOK BEYOND the jeans they feel, for revealing dress provokes others. Of course, literate women in states are highly against their remarks. This remarks are only visible when it comes to how woman should dress and behave. A strong crowd only saw and took photos to upload later when 3 women fought off from their molesters in Bangalore alone. Hence the results show – that MEN cannot control their basic instincts and so woman have to efface themselves. Ridiculous!
We saw earlier when leaders dismissed rape cases in their states. Due to such happenings, the culprit have no fear to perform such CRIME under strong sunlight and law. If the law or the people representing the government or any social figure portray the RIGHT thing that is – the culprit is the one performing, the rapist mind …and not the victim who suffers.
Even if a girl is in western attire or any outfit unsuitable for others – she will be harmed. Then what about the women with pure salwar kameez who are also harmed. Why a 3 year child is also harmed? Why?
And singers, political leaders and other social figures debiting a wrong statement with hopelessness and narrow minded cheap mentality should stick to the things they are unfortunately good at and spare women.
I heard the wild animals are on edges of extinction. But this is what we are facing!