Foundation of Human Skills Practice Question Paper Set 5



The fields that contribute to the Foundation of Human Skills or Organizational Behavior are: Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Social Psychology, Anthropology. Psychology relates to explaining human behavior in a particular situation and predicting their future actions. Sociology refers to studying the impact of culture on group behavior. Political Science refers to various government rules and regulations that play a decisive role in the organizational growth. Social psychology refers to people assigning specific jobs that play an important role in formulating human behavior. Anthropology refers to the study relating to human activities in different cultural and environmental frameworks.

Here we present Foundation of Human Skills Practice Question Paper Set 5:

Q.1) Explain the various abnormalities occurring in individuals due to defective heredity. – 15 marks

Q.2) Define persuasion. Discuss in detail the characteristics of the source. – 15 marks

Q.3) Explain psychosexual theory of Sigmund Freud. – 15 marks

Q.4) Explain different kinds of intelligence. – 15 marks

Q.5) Define groups and explain different types of groups. – 15 marks

Q.6) What are the various thinking skills involved in thinking process.- 15 marks

Q.7) Write notes on: 15 marks

a) Classical conditioning

b) Personality

c) Ethics in business

d) Realists

Q.8) Explain the following concepts in brief: 15 marks

a) Motivation

b) Personality

c) Self-esteem

d) Emotional intelligence

e) Attitude

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