Foundation of Human Skills Practice Question Paper Set 7



Organization structures are of 2 types: formal and informal. Formal organization is based on objectives and has hierarchical in nature. Informal organizations do not have specific structure. Organizational Behavior includes various fields like psychology, anthropology, sociology, economics, politics and medical sciences. The study of OB relates to the attitude, perception, learning, values at individual level. The study is undertaken to manage stress, conflicts and decision making at group level.

Here we present Foundation of Human Skills Practice Question Paper Set 7:

Q.1) Write a note on membership groups and reference groups.

Q.2) Explain the concept of social facilitation.

Q.3) Write a note on the Bill of Assertive Rights

Q.4) Describe various causes of job satisfaction.

Q.5) Write a note on in groups and out groups

Q.6) Write a note on influence of mass media

Q.7) Write a note on Negotiation Strategies

Q.8) Describe the various characteristics of mature teams

Q.9) Write short note on Characteristics of assertive individuals

Q.10) Write short note on Dominant and recessive genes

Q.11) Describe the various characteristics of the source or communicator.

Q.12) What are the various skills needed to be a good team member?

Q.13) What are the various causes of stress?

Q.14) According to Goleman, what are the 5 dimensions of emotional intelligence.

Q.15) Explain the technique of six thinking hats developed by Dr. de Bono.

Q.16) Write a note on Attitude formation through instrumental conditioning

Q.17) Write a note on Job involvement

Q.18) Write a note on Individual Tests and verbal tests.

Q.19) Describe the following stages in the human life span: infancy and toddlerhood, prenatal stage

Q.20) Explain the various factors influencing prenatal environment of an individual.

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