Foundation of Human Skills – Revised FYBMS Syllabus 2016


Foundation of Human Skills – Revised FYBMS Syllabus 2016


Modules at a Glance


Sr. No. Modules No. of Lectures
1 Understanding of Human Nature 15
2 Introduction to Group Behaviour 15
3 Organizational Culture and Motivation at workplace 15
4 Organisational Change, Creativity and Development and Work Stress 15
Total 60

Foundation of Human Skills – Overview

Sr. No. Modules / Units
1 Understanding of Human Nature
  • IndividualBehaviour:Concept of a man, individual differences, factors affecting individual differences, Influence of environment
  • Personality and attitude: Determinants of personality, Personality traits theory, Big five model, Personality traits important for organizational behaviour like authoritarianism, locus of control, Machiavellianism, introversion-extroversion achievement orientation , self  – esteem, risk taking, self-monitoring and type  A  and B personalities, Concept of understanding self  through JOHARI WINDOWS, Nature and components of attitude, Functions of attitude, Ways of changing attitude, Reading emotions
  • Thinking, learning and perceptions: Thinking skills, thinking styles and thinking hat, Managerial skills and development, Learning characteristics, theories of learning (classical conditioning, operant     conditioning and social learning approaches), Intelligence, type ( IQ, EQ, SQ, at work place), Perception features and factor influencing individual perception, Effects of perceptual error in managerial decision making at work place. (Errors such as Halo effect, stereotyping, prejudice attributional).
2 Introduction to Group Behaviour
  • Introduction to Group Behaviour
    • Group Dynamics: Nature, types, group behaviour model (roles, norms, status, process, structures)
    • Team effectiveness: nature, types of teams, ways of forming an effective team.
  • Setting goals.
  • Organizational processes and system.
  • Power and politics: nature, bases of power, politics nature, types, causes of organizational politics, political games.
  • Organizational conflicts and resolution: Conflict features, types, causes leading to organizational conflicts, levels of conflicts, ways to resolve conflicts through five conflicts resolution strategies with outcomes.
3 Organizational Culture and Motivation at workplace
  • Organizational Culture:
  • Characteristics of organizational culture.
  • Types, functions and barriers of organizational culture
  • Ways   of   creating   and   maintaining   effective organization culture
  • Motivation at workplace: Concept of motivation

Theories of motivation in an organisational set up.

  • A.Maslow Need Heirachy
  • F.Hertzberg Dual Factor
  • Mc.Gregor theory X and theory Y.

Waysofmotivating through carrot (positive reinforcement) and stick (negative reinforcement) at workplace.

4 Organisational Change, Creativity and Development and Work Stress
  • Organisational change and creativity: Concepts of organisational change, Factors leading/influencing organisational change, Kurt Lewins model of  organisational change  and development, Creativity and qualities of a creative person, Ways  of  enhancing  creativity  for  effective  decision making, Creative problem solving.
  • Organisational Development and work stress: Need for organisational development, OD Techniques, Stress, types of stress, Causes and consequences of job stress, Ways for coping up with job stress


Reference books for Foundation of Human Skills
  • Organisational behaviour, S.Robbins, Prentice Hall
  • Organisational behaviour, John W.Newstrom and Keith Davis, Tata McGrawhill
  • Organisational behaviour, Fred Luthans, McGrawhill,Newyork
  • Organisational behaviour, K.Aswathappa, Himalaya  Publishing House
  • Essentials of management, Koontz,Harold, Tata McGrawhill


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