10 Sites to Watch Free TV Shows Online for Full Episodes



These days, you don’t need a television set or cable to enjoy full episodes your favorite TV shows whenever you want. There are plenty of websites out there that let you watch free TV shows online that include some of today’s most popular programs — you just need to know where to look.

The trick is finding the best sites. Some sites will scam you into signing up for unrelated fees while others require that you complete a survey before you can watch anything. Steer clear of these sites and check out the following high quality, trusted sites instead.

1. Hulu


Hulu is one of the best and most popular places to watch full episodes of a wide range of TV shows online, with the newest ones usually available to view within 24 hours of being originally aired on TV. Not only do they give you an enormous range of things to watch, but they also give you the opportunity to watch a number of documentaries and movies whenever you want.

2. Crackle


With Crackle, you can watch full episodes in addition to movies, and create personal watchlists so you can keep track of everything you’re watching. Because it is a totally free service, with accessibility on all major platforms, there are some commercials rolled into the programming. Regardless, Crackle is a great alternative that you can enjoy viewing on your computer or with one of its apps on your mobile device.

3. ABC


As one of the most well-known television networks out there, this is the site you want to visit for high quality TV programs that air on ABC. While it’s only available in the U.S., the user interface is clean and simple to use. It offers access to sneak peeks of upcoming episodes, TV listing schedules, and message boards for those who like to keep up with specific shows and discuss them with others.

4. NBC

fox nbc

NBC is another popular television network offering you a similar experience that ABC does within the NBC video library. Full show episodes are listed in alphabetical order and can be sorted by newest, most viewed and top rated. You can also browse through webisodes, previews and specials that regularly air on NBC.

5. FOX


There are a lot of popular programs that air on the FOX television network and you can watch most of them for free on the official FOX website under the “Full Episodes” tab. You also have access to previews, schedules and news related information regarding the ones that air on FOX.

6. SideReel


SideReel brings you full TV episodes, movies and web shows from a variety of genres including action, adventure, cartoon, comedy, reality, teen, and much more. You can sign up for a free account and keep track of all your favorite ones, including movies with friends and create a calendar to fit with your own schedule.

7. Inturpo


Inturpo is a site that offers free TV episodes, movies, live channels and even sports events for you to watch at no cost. The most recent ones are listed on the main page or you can use the search bar at the top to find the TV show of your choice. You can sign up for an account or you can watch and enjoy your favorite ones on the fly without signing up at all.

8. YouTube


Lots of people don’t realize that YouTube is actually a great source for watching television shows. While some of the sections may be split up into separate videos and the quality of the videos may not be outstanding, you can still access a number of things—old and new—from the web’s largest video sharing network.


9. Current TV


Much like getting all your entertainment needs from YouTube, the content found on Current TV is uploaded and shared by users of the site. This service mostly focuses on political and news commentary, as well as information programming. It’s very well known for its popular Countdown show and variety of documentaries that are available to watch.


10. TV Show 7

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If you’re having trouble spotting some of the more popular and current TV shows, TV-Video.net is a good place to look. If you want more selection, you may have to give up better picture quality from an entertainment site like this, but if you are looking for something that is hard to find anywhere else online, this is a great site to keep bookmarked.



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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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