Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of TYBMS Sem 6 CBSGS Results 2014-15



If you are a TYBMS student of the batch 2014-15, we are sure you will have many questions or doubts to be cleared. Here we present the list of FAQs asked by TYBMS students and its probable solutions which we have framed after consultation with BMS faculties.

Below is Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of TYBMS Sem 6 CBSGS Results 2014-15:

1) When will students get consolidated marksheets?

The consolidated marksheets will take about 15 days to arrive in respective colleges.

2) Are the marks displayed on results website final?

Yes, the marks that are displayed online in the results link ( are final.

3) How many grace marks are given to pass in TYBMS Sem 6 exams?

Grace marks to be given to the student completely depend on the results and the chairperson/dean decides whether to give grace marks to the student or not.  The ordinance link of grace marks put up on Mumbai university website ( is not valid anymore.

4) When will ATKT exams of Sem 6 be held?

ATKT exams of TYBMS Sem 6 CBSGS  will be held in October/November 2015. The exam timetable and dates will be declared on Mumbai university website. You can stay tuned to

5) When will the results be declared of ATKT exams that will be conducted in October 2015?

Results of ATKT exams of October 2015 will be declared in February 2015 tentatively. There are no specific dates, all you will have to do is stay tuned to from mid-January onwards.

6) When do we have to fill ATKT forms of BMS Sem 6 ATKT exams?

Every college shall remove a notice and give their dates within which students have to do the needful.

7) When do we have to apply for revaluation and how?

You can check this link: revaluation process of MU to know about the revaluation procedure.

8) Are there chances to get 20 grace marks for OR paper goofup by MU?

Our sources doubt if anything can happen now and there is no chance to it because there is no update or confirmation from the Mumbai University regarding the same. Whatever claims or reports written in media about it doesn’t hold value as university has not declared anything officially on its website.

Also read: TYBMS Students Demand Justice From MU For Operations Research Exam April 2015 Paper Goofup

Are all your queries solved? If you have any questions to add to the list, you can comment below.

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