Frequently Asked Questions on TYBMS Sem 5 Results 2012


Pass or Fail… whatever is the outcome of your BMS Results… you might be surely having some or the other query which BMS Team would like to resolve…

Pour in your queries here and we would get back to you with the replies ASAP.

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Please check below the Commonly Asked Questions regarding the TYBMS Sem 5 Results 2012:


  • When and where will we get marksheets?

BMS Team – Mumbai University will send your Sem 5 Marksheets to your respective college within 4-5 days and you can collect your marksheet from your college itself.


  • When will the Marklists be put up in Colleges?

BMS Team – The Marklists of every subject scores will be put up in the Notice Boards of every college by Monday or Tuesday.


  •  Where to check BMS Results?

BMS Team – BMS Sem 5 Results can be checked online at Mumbai University website:


  •  When to fill the ATKT forms?

BMS Team – The dates will be declared by the college once the marksheets of Sem 5 reaches the colleges.


  • Are the Results declared online on MU website fake or is it confirmed?

BMS Team – We cannot assure that Results declared for all students i.e. Pass or Fail is completely true on the Mumbai University website. There can be technical issues due to which Results may be wrong for certain cases. In case your result is FAILED and you are pretty sure that you can Pass, then please be patient and wait till the Colleges don’t put up the marklists in their noticeboard.


  • When will be the ATKT Exams?

Prof. Vipin Saboo – ATKT exams would be held in April first week beginning i.e. 3rd April as per your schedule.


  • When will the Revaluation results be declared?

Prof. Vipin Saboo – Revaluation results generally take around a month.


  • How to apply for Revaluation?
Prof. Vipin Saboo – To apply for revaluation a student needs to fill up an appropriate form available from college within the due date. The due date is generally around a week post the receipt of mark sheet.
  • How many times can i appear for Sem 5 ATKT exams?

Prof. Vipin Saboo – 3 times


  • When will we get the Sem 5 Marksheets?

Prof. Vipin Saboo – Sem 5 marksheet would come by this weekend


  • If i’m fail in BMS (5sem) and i attend atkt exam with (6sem) and i clearly pass both the exam. Means my 6 sem result will be only pass class OR normal result with percentage. 


Prof. Vipin Saboo – With sem 5 kt you can appear for sem 6 however you would be issued final marksheet once when you clear all exams


  • When will we get the changed marksheets after revaluation?
Prof. Vipin Saboo – Changed marks after revaluation generally takes a week
  • I have got 2 kts in sem 5 , but my total is around 370 and have a first-class grade…I have come to know that eventhough if I clear my sem 5 atkt exams it will consider only as pass class in my combo result, please let me know this thing in detail and how may I score an aggregate of 60 at the end of my TY if my grade is weak as I require that much aggregate to appear for my CA level 2 registration. Please post a reply. Thank you 🙂
 Prof. Vipin Saboo – 

You are right in saying that clearing sem 5 would still mean pass class.
Please try hard and score well in sem 6 so that your total score of sem 5&6 is in first class. The final marksheet that you get would be both sem combined


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  1. Well I am still not satisfied with your answer as,I have scored 75% will revaluation reduce my % & my college coordinator is denying for revaluation
    Plz suggest me something

    1. Reason people denying from revaluation is the revaluation results are declared quite late i.e. even after sem 6 exams (At times)
      Secondly, revaluation is done for those cases who have failed/got ATKT.
      We haven’t come across any such case wherein the student has got less marks when given for revaluation but still your coordinator might have advised you so based on her experience

  2. My bro is BMS student he got Kt in 5th sem, then he gave Kt exams but again in Kt exams he failed can my bro give the papers for revaluation this time..

    Plz do reply

  3. i gave my bms sem 2 exams…passed in all subject…but i got 18 in externals in maths…through grace marks i passed….but now college people are telling that i have to give atkt as they can just give 5 marks as grace…:( i have to give atkt?

  4. Why university is taking soo long to distribute the revaluation results of Sem-5..because of this my sem-6 result is kept in reserve and university has no clue when they will send our results to respective colleges. I want to register for CA ( level-2) as soon as possible. Is it true, that even if we receive our reval result we have to give an application along with its proof that we have cleared in all the semisters which after 4-5 weeks later our final results will be coming for that we have to collect from university itself?

    1. yes its true..I am in same boat as yours..although I am from bfm..sem 5 reval marksheet still nt received…I shouldve given kt exam instead of reval..bloody wasted my all admissions r full n all good vacancies for jobs filled..mumbai university is playing with people’s career..I swear ill pursue law next year and my first case will be against mumbai university!

  5. if i got 5 kt in sem5 after i
    score the good marks in atkt exAm may the
    resut will be in percentage or just pass or i drop the year and try next year plzzz rply

  6. I gave kt exam for the 5th sem this year,
    Today our results were on the site,
    I failed again. 🙁
    N nw im waitin for my 6th sem results
    Am i drop for the year?
    If no wen will be my exam?
    Can i appear for entrance exam
    If yes is it essential to go college if ur drop

  7. If i fail in one subject in sem 3 of bms, so i have to give a repeat exam first to clear it or a direct kt exam will be conducted. Also in the final marksheet, it will be shown that whether a student has passed out with a kt.

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