Friendship – Beginning of New Life


What is friendship? I never had an answer to this. I did not want to find an answer to this because I feel that my life is complete without friends. Maybe my young friends wont agree with this statement because today friends play  a big role in our lives and I realized it much later. The reason for it I had friends who used to judge a person look-wise and not by character. I was not a good looking person as I was very  fat. They never made me realize but their taunts made me realize it. That was not enough even my relatives started taunting. I was fed up of such life. I started getting depressed. I preferred to stay alone, didn’t roam much with friends,  used to cry in the nights but in the morning  I had a smile  on my face. I did not know what was happening to me. I was a extrovert person but this phase had  made me an introvert. I started underestimating myself. My self esteem was very low and  zero confidence.  I was living life for the sake of living. After Graduation I was trying for a job but didn’t get one. It was during a recession that I was searching job but I again blamed that I am  not capable of doing anything. I stopped looking into the mirror as I could see a looser in the mirror. My self esteem and self confidence was killed.

Then one of  my close friend suggested to do a HRM course. This course of HRM acted as a miracle in life When I joined that course I met such people who did not take you  by what you wear or how do you look? They just accepted me the way I am. They recognized my talent that I can speak in a crowd of people and explain things well. They appreciated me for that my broken confidence was building up. There I became a  part of  a group who forced me on coming to picnics, they bought enjoyment in life. They helped me to search jobs. The school group who had betrayed me due to my looks I was forgetting them this new friends were full of energy and enthusiasm. To get my full confidence I started learning yoga my yoga guru helped me to build my self respect back. Yoga helped me to come out of my comfort zone. My course was over I was scared would loose this friends and will I become a loner but they were still there with me. Out of them there was one boy who had a small face, fair and used to come always in formals. He was very quiet so used to not talk much with him. But he used to call me everyday just to ask what did I do whole day after the course was over. When we all used to meet he made me talk because I had become quiet when my friends left me. He made it a point that I spoke to him. Soon I became used  to his calls . We would talk everyday in evening. His phone call became a part of my schedule. We used to discuss many things. He helped me in getting  jobs. On the other hand yoga made me loose my weight in about one and half year.  I was now  49kgs. That day I was proud of myself I had joined yoga to build my confidence but yoga helped  me in looking much better. Looking at the mirror was no more a problem for me. All those people who taunted me that I am fat started giving me compliments. The friends who did not like me for my looks started asking me how did I do? The boy who became my best friend also appreciated me for my new look. I changed my wardrobe, my looks and was transformed from a loner to one who had loads of confidence and was amongst a group of friends. Today after  struggling with myself for one and half year  here I am playing two roles. One of a professor and a Public Relation head. For what I am today I give credit to my best friend who gave me life again and taught me, “ Life is a god’s gift and live it to the fullest. Today as a professor I complete two years and want to celebrate with my best friend.

I define friendship as a beginning to a new life. Would like to know what is friendship for my young friends?  Did in their life they had friends who gave them  a new life?

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