FRIENDSHIP …. Is happiness!



Friendship a beautiful relationship between people men, women different type of people. Friendship is not only about two people. It’s about a connection. That connection that you make when two hearts meet, connect and two souls rejoice. Friendship isn’t about two friends it can be many friends a duo, trio, between 4 people and more. As a child I have had many friends because as a person I was very friendly, jovial almost an entertainer most importantly ‘TALKITIVE’. I have always observed people who talk a lot meaning who know to break the ice can be really good friends. They are extroverts; they don’t really have anything to conspire against you, not that I am in support of talkative people. Talking t out really makes one feel lighter and happier. Women never get bored of talking, although men get bored of listening. Friends always love to listen. A lot of friends are considered good friends or besties or bff (best friends forever) because they always listen. It isn’t easy to make friends, but through social media it isn’t difficult either. You never know you may end up being the best of friends through social networking sites and some people even find love online, some marry them not online 😉 but meet online those official matrimonial websites and making new friends.

Our Indian culture trying to adopt the west is still backward when it comes to a boy and a girl being friends. Can a boy and girl be just friends? Funny how Hindi movies have these funny dialogues “ek ladka aur ladki kabhi dost nahi ho sakte”? Isn’t it weird people think there’s some kind of an affair when a boy and girl talk or meet or walk hand in hand. Of Couse not! Grow up I have seen my college friends class mates hug each other and greet each other and they are of the opposite sex! So what? Initially I used to find it a little odd as for me hugging a person from the opposite sex would only be showing affection to parents, uncles, siblings and relatives. When I see friends hugging now it seems normal it’s just a casual way of greeting or showing affection, of Couse one shouldn’t be feeling the other person’s body that not friendly, that’s being over friendly. It’s cute when couples do it felling each other not friends.

A boy and a girl can be the best of friends and not have those silly weird feelings. Infatuation is natural in friendship you may fall for the person of the same sex too but when you believe and you know its friendship and where to draw your lines its healthy friendship. A boy can be a girl’s best friend when it comes to keeping secrets. Most guys don’t have the habit to talk about other people like how girls gossip but one can really confide in a guy friend. It’s also important to have friends of the opposite sex so that you are comfortable interacting with colleagues, college friends and the society outside. Friendship is a wonderful feeling just like love. Friendship is a necessity. Even if you don’t have a lover it is fine but you need to have a friend. Not too many but one friend is needed. Someone who we could talk to about stuff that we can’t share with our parents. We may not always listen to our parents, siblings or relatives but we do listen to our friends. Such is friendship, even if you are annoyed at your friend you can’t stay without talking to your friend. When a lover leaves you your friend is always there with arms wide open.

Friendship connects you with happines 2013

You don’t need to have a billion friends. Most of us have so many friends on Facebook and on WhatsApp and the various apps that we download but how many of us really chat with all of them? Friendship is going out together, sharing expenses, eating in one plate, having hilarious conversations late nights, gossiping about guys and girls. Friendship is about so much more. Apart from the eating, gossiping and partying. Friendship is a bond that should be unbreakable. Divided by careers but united by friendship. You may be far away from your friends but catching up on those crazy college days or late night projects cum pajama party sleepovers. You may catch up on all your memories as you get all nostalgic and plan on a lovely reunion. Well I did that it worked well.

Planned out on a re union made me all nostalgic. It was indeed so wonderful to see all my friends classmates and see them all grown up just as me some ding their medical some chartered accountancy some have made their hobby their career culinary skills and many more. Friendship is that beautiful feeling which makes you forget everything. Imagine talking to your good friend who you’ve met after a real long time and you keep talking and you haven’t kept a track of the time. Friendship is a give and take relationship. Friendship need not happen between people of the same age. Sometimes you turn out to be the best of friends with people who are elder to you. My observation says the more you interact and become friends with people who are not your age you learn more and grow faster. You understand different feelings, emotions and thought processes in a totally different manner; you see it from a totally different point of view. It helps you understand people more. Life is incomplete without friends they are your best link to your past.

It was just today itself that I was out with my family at a celebration of ONAM –a harvest festival celebrated by malyali’s (keralites), when my daddy met his old friend of his school times. As they spoke the uncle told me a lot of things about my dad that even I didn’t know. It was such a wonderful hearty conversation that made me imagine how my dad was back then when he was a young boy. My dad was filled with tears of joy and he decided on meeting his other old school friends. After coming back home he shared with me his joy the happiness that I see on his face makes me happy in turn. How wonderful friendship is! I decided I too will make this feeling of friendship and this experience a wonderful one. For when I grow old I won’t remember which class I attended but I will remember the fun I had when I bunked my class with my wonderful friends.


Carren Bryne.

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