FrnZz…FoR LifE!



If friendship is your weakest point, then you are the strongest person. As an individual we are into so many relationships which includes son/ daughter, father/ mother, brother/ sister, uncle/ aunt, so many! But the best bond is that of friendship. Friendship word is itself so relaxing.
We’ve many friends like our childhood friends, school friends, college friends, friends of friends, best friends, facebook friends, hi-bye friends, hangout friends & the list goes on & on. It is truly said that a person is more comfortable with a friend than anyone else. We can share anything, anytime, whatever we want to & feel free to ask for suggestions & help.

Good times with amazing memories are generally spent & created with friends. Memories that we make with our friends is just unforgettable. Our friends tease us, laugh with us, cry with us support us, chill out & hangout with us.

When we are sad, they even change our mood very easily. We’re like an open book for our friends. Not everyone can understand us like our friends do. A friend is someone who gives you freedom to be yourself.

Friends play a very important role in our lives. Without them we would have been incomplete. But we should know that not every friend is reliable. True friends are always there when we need them; fake friends are only there when they need us. A friendship that can end never really began. True friendship means no complains & no demands. True friends are the ones on whom we can count on any moment, trust & share our secrets & let our best friends do the same to us. Friendship is very simple & easy to understand when you’ve understanding with your alter ego.

Friendship isn’t about being inseparable, it’s about being separated & knowing nothing will change. I too have a best friend & I’m actually blessed to have him. He’s the one who understands me & knows me the best. He knows my reaction on each & every situation. I can say I trust him & can count on him even at 4am & he’ll be there to help me. I call him “Bhangi” & he calls me “Vhagri”. Such is our friendship. We fight with each other like “Tom & Jerry” & care like “Chota Bheem & Chotti”. We’re best friends but it’s like if he falls down; I’ll pick him up only after I finish laughing.”Bhangi” this one is for you. Thanks for being my best friend.

It is not necessary that we’re friends only with our friends. We’re friends with our parents & siblings too. Friendship is unique yet simple. But we don’t know who our weather friends are. In our ups; our friends know us, but in our downs; we know our friends. Fake friends are like- once they stop talking you; they start talking about you.


Making a million friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you. Live your memories make new memories with your friends because you never know what might happen the next moment. Love your friends; let your friends love you! Friends are born…not made!!!


AUTHOR -Karishma M. Ahuja



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Tolani College
Tolani College of Commerce is a commerce college in Andheri East, Mumbai, India.


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