From An Older Age To Golden Age Of Journalism



Journalism is an evolving subject. It has undergone a lot of changes ever since it came into existence.  It started when there was a need felt to spread news and awareness among the people about the events happening in their society. Before the advent of papers, news were written or carved on tablets, metal and stones and placed on public places for the people. Later on after several years newspapers came into use in broadsheet formats or small booklets. From there on several newspapers were out and most of them played an important role in the freedom struggle to awaken the masses and revolt against the injustice done to them.

 Since then newspapers have continued to be the MIRROR OF THE SOCIETY. Newspapers have always been the primary medium of journalism from the 17th century with the addition of magazines in the 18th century, radio and television in the 20th century, and the Internet in the 21st century.

While newspapers were still flourishing in the society, technology began to hit the society at an accelerated rate. Newspapers readership had gone down significantly with the advent of Radio and Television that allowed quick and faster means of covering and spreading the news to its readers. These two technologies first created the idea of a multimedia, immersive storytelling experience in journalism. Long-distance broadcasting furthered the globalization of media coverage during wars and riots between countries.

Journalism today is in a DIGITAL AGE; in one word it can be called DYNAMIC. Numerous newspapers, so many major radio stations and number of TV channels are making journalism are doing a tremendous job of keeping up to the needs of the people. With the growth of technology and trade, specialized techniques are used for gathering and disseminating information which has increased the scope of news availability and has speeded the spread and transmission of news. Now is the era of Internet which is beyond radio and television and is widely used. Newspapers, Television and radio journalism still relevant, it has been developed into videos and linked to web sites such as YouTube and other social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter and personal blogs. Every news organisation now not only have their newspapers and channels but also their mobile apps and website to make news reading more easy and convenient for people making an active attempt of adding video, links and photos into almost every story in their site.

Although journalism has gone through a number for changes to provide the best of best thing to the people but is somehow letting down in its values, morals and ethics. Journalism is no longer a subject of providing hardcore news to people it is become a mere business of news. Instead of focusing on facts and figures, it’s drawing its attention towards how to sensationalise a particular scene. Most of the newspapers favour some or other political party and do not print anything negative about them. Journalism needs to shift from Business to mere spread of news and information, in order to continue to remain the mirror of the society. 



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Daisy Pais