Fun Being “Articulate” on Management Paradise!


Management Paradise is one of the Top Management Portals for Indian Students is coming with an exciting event featuring all the writers out there.

I believe everyone has within him/her a writer / editor / critic / screenwriter or at least one dreams to be.

“Getting Articulate” comes into reality to felicitate the best talent in writing today.

“The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think” judges the Editors performance.

And when your writing stimulates thinking of others; it means you possess the capability to twist and deviate thoughts and opinions to something. Even if you do not pursue writing as your permanent profession, you may surely consider participating in Article Writing competition.

And if you believe in self & in the fact that you can make a difference with your writing skills – participate whole heartedly……in this “Masti world of Word Power” where pen is mightier than sword

To participate:

You have to write an essaytutorial, or article in English of over 1,000 words

Please put in original content & don’t plagiarize.

Post your article in the Articles Section of

After the above procedure, send in the link of the article to [email protected]

The categories on which you can write articles include:

Human Resource




Information Technology



Banking and Insurance


Criteria for winning the competition:-

The number of views the article receives on the portal. Maximum number of views your article gets will make it eligible for us to consider in the top 20.

Secondly, the quality and the kind of content you put in will also be considered.

Hence to make your article popular, you make use of social network – sharing your article on various social networking sites etc.


Hurry Up!

& Don’t Miss this Opportunity!

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We, at, believe in sharing knowledge and giving quality information to our BMS students. We are here to provide and update you with every details required by you BMSites! If you want to join us, please mail to [email protected].


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