Functions of packaging


Proper and efficient packing not only helps protect the product, but also helps to perform various below mentioned functions.

1.      Protection: Protection tops the chart, as far as functions of packaging are concerned. Packaging should be designed taking the characteristics of the product into consideration, consideration should also be given to mode of transport to be used, the channel and number of intermediaries it will pass through and so on. All said and done the product exterior packing should be such that it protects the product from all possible hazards and should reach the customers in one single piece.

2.      Preservation: First the protection and next come preservation. Packaging should be such that it should preserve the product quality from deterioration. Specially food items needs air tight packing. For such product packing should be designed in such a manner that once the product is opened it again needs to be packed for further use, so packing should be useable for a long period of time. Pet bottles, glass bottles are the best examples.

3.      Identification: Packaging helps identification. It helps the customers to identify the product from among the lot. Specific colors, bottles, trade marks may help such identification. This is very much needed for cosmetics.

4.      Convenience: The product should be handy and convenient to use, Consideration should be also be given to storing such product in household. People in countries like India often stores products in kitchen. So packaging play a key role in such products.

5.      After use Value: Designing a package which can also be useful for the customer after the use of product can be of great advantage for the marketing of the product. For eg. Per bottles along with cold drinks, Plastics boxes with naturals ice-creams are good examples of after use value.

6.      Promotion: Packaging is the best form of advertising. Its allow the producer to disclose the advantages of the products and induce the consumer to buy the same. Shoppers are often found to buy an attractively packaged product.

7.      Distribution: Packaging also helps distribution. Design should be such that easily fits the distribution channel and is easy to carry, to load, to unload, etc. Unusual size and shape often hampers the distribution of the product.

8.      Contents: Packaging also helps the producers to display the contents of the products. Consumers always look for contents while making a product choice.

9.      Display: Products are to be displayed to effect the sale. Product should easily fit in the racks or special racks need to made to display the product in effective ways. Cadbury, Lays chips, Pepsi have made display racks for their products to make them more attractive for the consumers.

10.    Legal Disclosure: There are legal disclosure to be made for certain products in certain countries. For eg cigarettes need such disclosure. Again products needs to display the sign of Veg or Non-Veg.


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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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