Functions Of Public Relations
The functions that are to be performed by a public relations department may
differ from organisation to organisation depending upon the nature and activities of a particular organisation. However, certain standard functions have emerged as common in most balanced departments. They are discussed below:
1. Policy:Â Public relations policy is required for every organisation.
A policy is a statement of guidelines to be followed in the company. The
department has to develop and recommend corporate public relations
policies. It has to contribute the public relations view point which helps in
the formulation of decision. Its function is not merely to provide the policy
mainly to the top management but also to other sections and divisions.
2. Publicity : Corporate publicity is necessary to interact with the
public. The department has to undertake the development and issuance of
announcements of corporate activities to external communications media.
It has to handle inquiries from the press. It is part of the functions of the
department to develop and place promotional publicity about the company
as a whole or any of its units.
3. Product Publicity : Corporate publicity is different from the
product publicity. In this, focus is on the products and how to popularise
the product. This includes both new products as well as existing ones. It
includes the announcement of new products through the editorial channels
of the communications media. The department has to develop and execute
the promotional product publicity campaigns.
4. Relations with Government : Relations with government
cannot be overlooked. In all spheres of activities the government inter-
feres, regulates, controls and supervises. It is necessary to maintain liaison
with appropriate governmental departments. This liaison covers both the
local level, state level and national level. Besides, governmental relations includes:
(i) advise action as needed.
(ii) report trends in government affecting the company.
(iii) help in preparing and directing corporate appearances before investigating bodies of legislative hearings.
(iv) direct programmes designed to promote the company’s point of view in legislative or regulatory matters.
5. Community Relations: Community contacts should be planned. It is the performance and/or coordination of corporate ‘good neighbour’ activities, including compliance with environmental protection standards, fostering equal employment oppurtunity, cooperating in urban improvement programmes, and developing community understanding of a company’s problems and needs.
6. Shareholders Relations ;Â Relations with the corporate stockholders is more important to attract public money. This takes the form of communication between the company and the shareholders in particular.
Also the investment community in general. It is necessary for the development and acceptance of the company among investors by broadening the exposure of the company’s policies and financial results in the investment community. This function includes preparation of annual reports, quarterly reports, dividend cheque inserts etc. It has to plan and stage the annual meetings of stockholders and appearances
before meetings of security analysts.
7. Promotion Programmes : Public relations promotion programmes should be formulated and implemented. This may broadly cover institutional promotion programmes designed to build corporate acceptance of key policies, institutional advertising, public relations literature and special events.
8. Donations: A corporate donation policy should be developed for company contributions- Various aspects involved in this function are processing requests for donations administering company’s foundation, and the conduct of employees’ solicitations for approved drives.
9. Employee Publications: The public relations department has to prepare and publish employee magazines, newspapers, bulletins, management communications etc.
10. Guest Relations : The department must undertake guest reception activities.
11. Coordinating Activities.
12. Conveying and Interpretation.
13. Advisory Functions.
14. Instructing by doing.
15. Public Relations Education Programme.
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