Funny Answers To The Common OLD PICKUP Lines!


We all know old is gold. But when it comes to pickup lines, boys should really start getting original and new with that one. Pickup lines are supposed to help boys start up a conversation with the girl and not ruin his first impression with those boring pickup lines. So girls, I have these awesome, hilarious replies you can give for those tacky pickup lines used for you, so that he thinks twice before using it for some other girl!

  1. Can I Buy You A Drink? : Oh God! I have lost the count as to how many times I have heard this one. You know the best reply you can give is “Will you buy my boyfriend one, too?” I am sure he will definitely get a hint out of this one, even if you are with a guy or not!
  2. Do You Believe In Fate? : “No, but I do believe in BAD LUCK”. Haha.. he is surely going to stop using this pickup line after hearing this!
  3. I Could Make You Happy: Make a girl happy? How? Sure he might know some magic tricks, don’t you think? Just give him a smile and say “Oh! You are leaving so soon?” Poor him.
  4. Your Place or Mine? : Psch.. he surely has guts to be asking this. Here is one awesome reply “Both. I’ll go to mine and you go to yours”. He will know for sure you are not interested in him and his cheesy lines!
  5. Do You Believe In Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again? : As soon as he asks you this, tell him “Sure, but this time just walk past me and don’t look back”. He was just insulted and if he is smart he will stop using this stupid line on girls forever!
  6. Where Have You Been All My Life? : How does a guy even ask this, unless he was planning to get married to you and spend the rest of his life with you? Just give him this sweet answer “Hiding from you”. He will either laugh it off or leave. If you are lucky, he will walk away.
  7. Are You From Heaven? : This is one more pickup line; boys just don’t get tired of using. When you want this line to just die and the guy to leave, tell him “yeah! I am a ghost and died 20 years ago, just like this stupid line” and taadaaa.. he will turn into a ghost within minutes and you won’t see him anymore!

I hope these replies will save girls from being attacked with those killer pickup lines. Which according to you is the most idiotic line used and what the best answer you give to get rid of the line and the guy?

-Saloni Tolia.

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Smita Singh


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