Funny LOL : The Corporate Life & 2 Donkeys


Once upon a time a Washer man was bringing up two donkeys, Let us say Donkey A and Donkey B.

Donkey A felt it was very nice energetic and could do better than other. It always tried to pull the washer man’s attraction over it by taking more load and walking fast in front of him. Innocent Donkey B is normal, so it will walk normal irrespective of the washer man’s presence. After period of time washer man started pressurizing Donkey-B to be like Donkey-A.

But Donkey-B was unable to walk fast continuous and thus punished from washer man. It was crying and told personally to Donkey-A “Dear friend, only we two are here, why to compete with our self. We can carry equal load at normal speed”. That made Donkey-A more energetic and next day it told to washer man that it can carry more load and even it can run fast also.

Obviously happier washeman looked at Donkey-B , his BP raised and he started kicking Donkey-B. next day with smile Donkey-A carried more load and started running fast. But it was breathtaking for Donkey-B and it couldn’t act that way. But washer man frustrated, so he harassed Donkey-B terribly, and finally it fell down hopelessly. Then Donkey-A felt itself as supreme and happily started carrying more load with great speed. But now the load of Donkey-B also been carried by Donkey-A, still it has to run fast.

Fore some period it did, finally due to fatigue it got tired and started feeling the pain. But washer man still expected more from donkey. It also tried its best, but couldn’t cope up with his owners demand.

Washer man got angry with Donkey-A and started harassing to take more load. It was crying for long time and then tried it best… but couldn’t meet its owner’s satisfaction. Finally day came when out of frustration washer man killed Donkey-A and went for searching some other donkeys.


Free all colleague are same and every one is capable… share the load equally… don’t act smart in front of your boss and don’t try for getting over credit… don’t feel happy when your colleague is under pressure.

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