Future and career of a BMSite at stake!


One of my friend just appeared for TYBMS this year(Apr-2013). As you know the results were announced on 20th june over the internet. When he checked, he was marked “failed”. Although a rude shock he patiently waited for the consolidated marksheet (the marksheet in which all the students marks are together) to be displayed in college. When he checked, he was SHOCKED to find that he had been marked “ABSENT” in the entrepreneurship paper. He passed with decent marks in all other subjects. He was expecting 70% but he got a brick on his face.
He then went to his exam center and obtained the xerox copy attendance sheet and the supervisors report indicating his presence on that day in the exam. Then yesterday, he went to the Mumbai University and submitted a COVERING LETTER, expressing this bad situation and attached a xerox copy of :
1. the attendance sheet,
2. supervisors report,
3. consolidated mark sheet and
4. hall ticket.

He submitted the above at the “Examination House”. They told him that a letter would come to my house in 20 or 25 days. He wasn’t told when or most importantly HOW the issue would be looked into.
He is in trauma whether the university will just give him passing marks (24/60) if they have misplaced his paper? Would they ask him to appear again for the exam? What would they do? What do he do if the issue is not solved? All his exams went well. Have never failed in his academics all his life.  Future and career at stake here!!

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