Futuristic Technologies Which Will Change The World



     Technology has always been a part of human evolution. Every new invention which is capable of changing human lifestyle is counted as technology. Now a day with the help of computerization the field of technology has taken a great leap. It just not focus on software or satellite field, rather than that technology has shown great impact on fields like transportation, sports, fashion, and even our education system.



Time is money, that is our lifestyle. Even the time which takes to blink an eye is valuable. Today we have trains which travel in a speed of 350mph, super cars which have 430mph speed. Still people need more speed, because a minute wasted could be a million of money wasted, depending on your lifestyle. So what do we have new for future? ‘THE HYPERLOOP’ of course. One of the most exciting innovations in transportation has to be the Hyperloop train. Rising on nearly airless tubes at 800mph, which will make transportation even more faster yet comfortable.


SPORTS AND TECHNOLOGY (high tech sports wear)

The athletic wear market is soon going to get flooded with the latest and most innovative technologies that help perform better. Besides hard work and practice, a good skill enhancing and efficient sportswear is necessary in a field where winning or losing is a matter of micro seconds. In some cases they work as protective armor, in some performance boosters, and in some as performance monitors. Using nanotechnology, microfibers, and insulators scientists are trying to make a new kind of clothing material. This can enhance the skills of athletes. And scientists have started developing ‘camouflages’ otherwise known as the invisible clothing material, which will help the army and defenses.



Technology and fashion are now intertwined, as technology has begun shaping fashion for        the better. And there has never been a time like this for students to pursue a degree guaranteed to lead them to a position where they will be able to change the future of an industry. The days of hand-sewing are a thing of the past, because there is a new technology out in the market called ‘3D printing’. Where you just have to give input of what you want to make through the help of software and it is done, the machine will take care of the rest. It will print out the dress flawlessly

The best thing is, technology can now be wearable. There is glasses which is wearable, not just a glass it is a piece of technology made by GOOGLE INC; and a part of futuristic fashion style. It will do whatever a smart phone can do. And there is wrist watches which can make calls, send e-mails and has GPS. At last there are wearable nails coming, which can change color with the help of mobile software. Girls are now saved.



Experts says to forget devices, the future of education technology is all about the ‘cloud’ and anywhere access. In the future, teaching and learning is going to be social. The future of technology in education is the cloud.

Technology can often be a barrier to teaching and learning. But the cloud will go a long way to removing this barrier. Schools will only need one major thing to be prepared for the future. They will not need software installed, servers or local file storage. Schools will need a fast internet connection. Connectivity must be fast and reliable to access the cloud

Teachers can use the cloud to set, collect and grade work online. Students will have instant access to grades, comments and work via a computer, smartphone or tablet. Many schools are already doing this.

School classrooms are going to change. Thanks to the cloud and mobile devices, technology will be integrated into every part of school. And ideally all classrooms will be paperless. With the cloud, the world will be the classroom. E-learning will change teaching and learning. Students can learn from anywhere and teachers can teach from anywhere .

It is sure that futuristic technologies will change the world from what it is right now, what we must remember is that when we adopt new technology and services, we must evaluate it that it is been used for the good reasons only. We should not ruin our future, Because the future has not yet come.



Written By Paulami Rao

Published by Shweta Agarwal


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Pillai College
Pillai College of Arts, Commerce and Science was established in 1998 by Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai whose vision was to provide students of Navi Mumbai with quality education in a high-tech atmosphere. It is situated in a 10 acre land surrounded by natural beauty and supported by the best infrastructure facilities, a state-of-the-art conference room, well-equipped computer labs and well-stocked libraries.


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