FYBMS 2015 Cutoff of BMS Colleges in Andheri


FYBMS 2015 Cutoff of BMS Colleges in Andheri

Hey BMS aspirants,

Are you searching for FYBMS 2015 cutoff of BMS colleges in Andheri? If yes, then your search ends here as we present to you the complete list of BMS colleges in Andheri and their FYBMS 2015 Cutoffs:


fybms cutoff of andheri colleges

BMS Colleges in Andheri


1) Malini Kishore Sanghvi College of Commerce and Economics (Ritambhara), Juhu

  • FYBMS 2015 Cutoff of Ritambhara College: Above 83%
  • Address: MKS College, Jitendra Mafatlal Mehta Education Complex, Nirmala Devi Arun Kumar Ahuja Road, Near Chandan Cinema, JVPD Scheme, Juhu, Mumbai – 400049
  • Contact Number: 02226241751
  • Vice Principal Name: Rajesh Dharawat
  • College Founded in: 1994
  • “BMS helped to get acquainted with the management side of different aspects which would help in future for MBA and business.” – Utsav Judge, M.K. Sanghvi BMS Topper 2014


2) Valia College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Andheri

  • FYBMS 2015 Cutoff of Valia College: Above 78%
  • Address: Valia College, New D.N. Nagar, Andheri West, Mumbai – 400058
  • Principal Name: Vinayak D. Paralikar
  • College Founded in: 1961
  • “Learn and enjoy in BMS life. Be directed towards your goal and always seek guidance from your seniors.” – Jyoti Singh, Valia BMS Topper 2013


3) Shri Chinai College of Commerce and Economics, Andheri

  • FYBMS 2015 Cutoff of Chinai College: Above 75%
  • Address: Chinai College, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Marg, Andheri East, Mumbai – 400069
  • Principal Name: Shailaja G. Kelkar
  • College Founded in: 1963
  • “BMS is all about management, and if you are ready to give 200% then be ready to get results of 100%.” – Devyani Jha, Chinai BMS Topper 2014-15


4) Bhavans College, Andheri

  • FYBMS 2015 Cutoff of Bhavans College: Above 80%
  • Address: Bhavans College, Munshi Nagar, Andheri West, Mumbai – 400058
  • Contact Number: 022-26256451
  • Principal Name: V.I. Katchi
  • College Founded in: 1946
  • “BMS is a flexible course and offers you hands on experience of the real world. It enables you to get into a wide range of fields right from production to marketing of products and services.”

Rehasha Kittur, Bhavans BMS Topper 2014-15


5) Oriental College, Andheri

  • FYBMS 2015 Cutoff of Oriental College: Above 75%
  • Address: Oriental College, New Link Road, Jogeshwari West, Mumbai – 400102
  • Contact Number: 02266914405
  • Principal Name: Javed Khan
  • College Founded in: 1992




Disclaimer: The actual cutoffs of FYBMS 2015 will be updated here on 16 June 2015 by 11pm. The above list of cutoffs is as per our predictions based on previous years’ cutoffs.

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