FYBMS Cutoff 2015 First Merit List of Mithibai College


Mithibai College was established in 1961. The college has 31 departments of which 15 are postgraduate departments and 7 of them conduct Ph.D. programmes. The full name of the college is Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institutes of Science and Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce and Economics. Alongwith various academic courses, the college also offers ample opportunity for career advancement and extracurricular achievement. Mithibai College aims to enable students to prepare for lifelong learning by nurturing independent thinking. The college visualizes to provide a platform to actualize students’ talents and encourage them to mould their passion into profession.

Here we present FYBMS Cutoff 2015 First Merit List of Mithibai College:

  1. Open Science – 87%
  2. NRI – 75.40%
  3. Other Reservation – 91.80%
  4. Gujarati Minority – 88.15%
  5. Open Commerce – 95%
  6. Open Arts – 86%
  7. Open (Diploma) – 96.20%
  8. Physically Handicapped – 82.60%


Mithibai College

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