FYBMS Cutoff 2015 First Merit List of Prahladrai Dalmia Lions College


In 1972, the lions club of Malad-Borivali established P.D. Lions College to cater to the needs of the society. Within a period of 100 days, the college building was completed and was inaugurated by Mr. T. K. Tope, the then Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University. The current principal of the college Dr. N.N. Pandey acts as a source of inspiration for staff to maintain high morale for performing the duties based on parameters of excellence. Prahladrai Dalmia Lions College offers BMS, BBI, BAF, BFM, BSC-IT. The college aims to provide quality commerce education, using innovative teaching methods and seeks to overall development of students who will serve the society through value based business practices.

Here we present FYBMS Cutoff 2015 First Merit List of Prahladrai Dalmia Lions College:

Commerce Stream:

Open – 70%

SC – 74.15%

SBC – 67.38%

OBC – 68.46%

Science Stream:

Open – 71.85%

OBC – 60.15%


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