FYBMS Cutoff 2015 First Merit List of St. Andrews College


St. Andrews College was established in 1983. The college started with 194 students anc increased to a strength of over 4000 students. St. Andrews College’s motto is to enlighten the darkness and grow into an institution of learning culture and religious values. The college has been guided by 8 principals till date: Msgr. Nereus Rodrigues, followed by Prof. Marie Correa, Sr. Theresa Mathias, Sr. Annette Thottakara, Prof. Lilla D’souza, Prof. Priscilla Fernandes, Prof. A. D. Mascarenhas and Dr. Marie Fernandes. Having a broad vision of education, the college started BMS in 1999. The college aims to impart quality education by providing an environment conducive to teaching and learning.

Here we present FYBMS Cutoff 2015 First Merit List of St. Andrews College:


Arts – 73.69%

Science – 68.61%

Commerce – 81.33%

Open Category:

Arts – 80.30%

Science – 73.54%

Commerce – 87.69%

st. andrews college

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