FYBMS Cutoff 2015 Second Merit List of S.K. Somaiya College


S.K. Somaiya College declared the second merit list of FYBMS on 18th June 2015. The students belonging to different categories and fulfilling the marks requirements can take admission between 9am to 1.30pm. Students are required to bring the following documents with them at the time of taking admissions i.e. at the time of payment of fees: original HSC marksheet with 4 xerox copies, 4 identity card size photographs, original leaving certificate with 2 xerox copies, Xerox copy of SSC marksheet, original Gujarati linguistic minority certificate (current year 2015) with 2 xerox copies, pre-admission form and cash payment receipt, address proof (ration card / electricity bill / telephone bill). Students who are seeking admission under reserved category are required to submit certified true copy of caste certificate in their name. They are also required to fil the scholarship / freeship form at the time of getting admission to get the benefit of freeship. Admission form should be duly filled in and signed by the candidate and guardian Candidate must remain present for admission. Students failing to secure admission within the given period, will not be allowed any claim / right for admission. Fees is Rs. 18,651/- (for general category) and Rs. 1,855/- (for reserved category – only for SC/ST). Fees will be accepted ONLY in the form of D.D. in favour of S.K. Somaiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce, payable at Mumbai. Rs. 2,500/- to be paid along with the above fees (in the form of D.D.) towards activity / maintenance / housekeeping / security charges. Note that the admissions are on first come first serve basis subject to the availability of seats.

Here we present FYBMS Cutoff 2015 Second Merit List of S.K. Somaiya College:

Arts Stream:

Open Category – 54.15%

Commerce Stream:

  1. Gujarati Linguistic Minority – 78.92%
  2. Open category – 80.46%
  3. SC – 76.31%
  4. ST – 45.08%
  5. NTB – 74%
  6. NTC – 65.23%
  7. NTD – 75.08%
  8. Sports / Ex-servicemen / Govt. Others – 76.31%
  9. Physically Handicapped – 69.39%
  10. OBC – 79.69%

Science Stream:

  1. Gujarati Linguistic Minority – 60%
  2. Open – 74%
  3. SC – 56.77%
  4. DT A – 52.83%
  5. NTB – 54%
  6. NT C – 51.54%
  7. Sports / Ex-servicemen / Govt. Others – 56.62%
  8. OBC – 78%

Only Diploma Holders:

Open – 72%

 S.K. Somaiya College

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