FYBMS Cutoff 2015 Second Phase First Merit List of S.K. Somaiya College


S.K. Somaiya College of Arts, Science and Commerce “Aurobindo” released the first merit list of II Phase of FYBMS on 6th July 2015. Students belonging to different categories and fulfilling the marks requirement as below can take admission on 7th and 8th July 2015 between 9am to 1.30pm.

Here we present FYBMS Cutoff 2015 Second Phase First Merit List of S.K. Somaiya College:

Arts Stream:

  • Open – 79.54% and above

Commerce Stream:

  • Gujarati linguistic minority – 80% and above
  • Open – 79.23% and above
  • SC – 68.15% and above
  • Phy. Handicapped – 73.54% and above
  • OBC – 74% and above

Science stream:

  • Gujarati Linguistic Minority – 76.77% and above
  • Open – 77.69% and above
  • SC – 61.54% and above
  • OBC – 70.77% and above
  • Only diploma holders – nil

Fees is Rs. 18,651/- for general category, Rs. 1855/- for reserved category. Fees will be accepted only in the form of D.D. in favour of S.K. Somaiya College of Arts, Science and commerce, payable at Mumbai. Rs. 2500/- to be paid alongwith the above fees in the form of D.D. towards activity / maintenance / housekeeping / security charges. Admissions are on first come first serve basis subject to the availability of seats.

SK Somaiya college

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