FYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 1 Syllabus: Business Communication


Teaching Hours and Assessment Pattern of Business Communication subject:

  1. Number of sessions of 90 minutes – 30
  2. Number of sessions of 90 minutes per week – 2
  3. Continuous Assessment – 40 I A
  4. Semester End Examination – 60 I A
  5. Total Marks – 100
  6. Duration of theory paper – 3 hours
  7. Number of credits – 2


The topics covered in Unit 1 – Fundamentals of Communication are as follows:

  1. Definition,
  2. Meaning,
  3. Types,
  4. Process,
  5. Importance


The topics covered in Unit 2 – Effective Communication are as follows:

  1. Concept and Practice of Effective Communication,
  2. Barriers to Effective Communication,
  3. Methods to Improve Effective Communication Skills.


The topics covered in Unit 3 – Written Communication Skills are as follows:

  1. Report Writing,
  2. Letter Writing,
  3. Preparation of Promotional Material with special reference to banks, insurance companies and joint stock companies.


The topics covered in Unit 4 – Oral Communication Skills are as follows:

  1. Understanding Audience,
  2. Use of Language,
  3. Use of Tone,
  4. Understanding Body Language.


The list of reference books of Business Communication is as follows:

  1. Effective Communication – Rai Urmila, Himalaya Mumbai
  2. Business Communication – Kaul, Prentice Hall India
  3. Basic Business Communication – Lesikar, TMH
  4. Business Communication and Personality Development – Das, Excel Books, Delhi
  5. How to Listen Better? – Pramila Ahuja and G. Ahuja, Sterling Publication
  6. Contemporary Business Communication – Scot, Biztantra
  7. Business Communication for Managers: An advanced approach – Penrose, Thomson Learning
  8. Business Correspondence – Whitehead G & H, A.H. Wheeler, Allahabad.



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