FYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 1 Syllabus: Introduction to Environmental Management


Teaching Hours and Assessment Pattern:

  1. Number of sessions of 90 minutes – 30
  2. Number of sessions of 90 minutes per week – 2
  3. Continuous Assessment – 40 IA
  4. Semester End Examination – 60 IA
  5. Total marks – 100
  6. Duration of Theory paper – 3
  7. No. of credits – 2


The topics covered in Unit 1 are as follows:

  1. Resources and Wealth-
  2. Meaning,
  3. Types of resources,
  4. Exploitation of resources,
  5. Use of technology and its impact on natural environment
  6. Wealth meaning,
  7. Distinction between wealth and resources,
  8. Optimum conversion of resources into wealth
  9. Anthropogenic waste : its effects,
  10. Man made industrial waste.

The topics covered in Unit 2 are as follows:

  1. Environmental degradation:
  2. Meaning, causes
  3. Degradation of urban land,
  4. Forest and agricultural land due to natural causes and human interference,
  5. Global warming: problems of non-degradable waste,
  6. Electronic devices,
  7. Plastic and man-made fibres,
  8. Environmental assessment,
  9. Environmental impact assessment –EIA,
  10. Environmental auditing,
  11. Environmental legislation in India,
  12. Carbon Bank.

The topics covered in Unit 3 are as follows:

  1. Environmental Management:
  2. Meaning,
  3. Development and environmental linkages,
  4. Environmental concerns in India,
  5. Need for sustainable development,
  6. Actions for environmental protection,
  7. National and international initiatives,
  8. Emerging environment management strategies,
  9. Indian initiatives – Environmental protection movements and NGOs in India.
  10. Disaster management – meaning, need and planning with reference to flood, storms, Tsunami, cyclones and earthquakes in India.


The list of reference books for Introduction to Environmental Management is as follows:

  1. Centre for Science and Environment: The State of India’s Environment Society 1984-85 Reprint – C.S.E., New Delhi
  2. Environmental Priorities in india – Khoshoo, Environmental Society, New Delhi
  3. Environment Management – N.K. Uberoi, Excel Books, Delhi
  4. Environmental Manaement – H.V. Jadhav, Vipul Prakashan, Mumbai
  5. The Hindu Survey of Environment – The Hindu, Chennai
  6. Environmental Economics – Karpagam M., Sterling, New Delhi


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