FYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 1 Syllabus: Organizational Behaviour


Teaching hours and Assessment Pattern:

  1. Number of sessions of 90 minutes – 30
  2. Number of sessions of 90 minutes per week – 2
  3. Continuous Assessment – 40 I A
  4. Semester End Examination – 60 I A
  5. Total marks – 100
  6. Duration of theory paper – 3 hours
  7. Number of credits – 2


The topics covered in Unit 1:

  1. Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour
  2. Individual differences in people
  3. Role of Hereditary in Environment
  4. Pre-natal and post-natal Environment

The topics covered in Unit 2 are as follows:

  1. Learning – Theories and Mechanism
  2. Intelligence:
  3. Types
  4. Individual versus Group Test of Intelligence, Sixth Thinking Hats
  5. Normal distribution curve of Intelligence
  6. Theories and models of motivation
  7. Motivation cycles
  8. Leadership styles
  9. Theories of Leadership
  10. Performance Appraisal
  11. Empowerment.

The topics covered in Unit 3 are as follows:

  1. Dimensions and Interactions in Society
  2. Different types of groups
  3. Team Building
  4. Conflict resolution strategies
  5. Group decision making versus Individual decision making

The topics covered in Unit 4 are as follows:

  1. Organizational Culture
  2. Characteristics and Techniques of Organizational Development
  3. Resistance to Change
  4. Overcoming resistance
  5. Stress and counseling
  6. Time management


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