FYBMS Second Counselling Closing Rank 2015 of Keshav Mahavidyalaya (KMV)



Keshav Mahavidyalaya has impressive infrastructure, enabled lecture halls and air-conditioned well equipped laboratories. The college library has more than 15,000 books and rich collection of text and reference materials. The college encourages students to participate in extra-curricular activities which includes – fresher’s welcome, annual cultural festival, computer festival, annual day and annual farewell every year. The college also has a computer society i.e. BLITZ, organizes annual blood donation camps with Rotaract club. The college has a fully air-conditioned 800 seats auditorium and also boasts of a spacious and comfortable Girls’ Hostel with a capacity of 75 students on twin sharing basis.

Here we present FYBMS Second Counselling Closing Rank 2015 of Keshav Mahavidyalaya (KMV):

Overall rank of General category – 230

Category Rank:

  • OBC – 118
  • SC – 63
  • ST – 34
  • CW – admission closed, applicant list exhausted
  • PWD – 12

If there are any seats available at KMV for BMS, then it will declared at the delhi university official website on 14th July 2015 after 1pm.

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