FYBMS Sem 1 Syllabus : Introduction to Computers


UBMSFSI. 7 – Introduction to Computers – 50 lectures, 3 credit.

Introduction to Computers is introduced in BMS course to provide brief introduction to computer hardware, software and application development as a background to the identification of potential areas for the use of computers in the management. The subject creates an understanding of application areas and a framework for the use of computers as a management to cope with the changing methods of business (physical to virtual i.e. via internet). The subject aims to familiarize BMS students with recent development and techniques in information technology and develop knowledge of management of computer services activities in institutions engaged in research activities.

Introduction to Computers has 4 main units which are as follows:

Unit 1 – Computer Fundamentals – 12 lectures

Unit 2 – Data Communication and Networks – 13 lectures

Unit 3 – Office packages – 13 lectures

Unit 4 – Advanced Excel and Multimedia – 12 lectures

The topics covered in Unit 1 – Computer Fundamentals are as follows:


  1. Characteristics of Computers
  2. Evolutions of Computers
  3. Types of Computers – Mini, micro, mainframe and super

Computer Organization

  1. Input Unit
  2. Output Unit
  3. Storage Unit – Primary and Secondary
  4. Processing Unit

Input and Output Devices

1) Input Devices

Keyboard Devices

Point and Draw Devices

Data Scanning Devices

Digitizer Electronic Card Reader

Speech Recognition Devices

Vision-Input system

2) Output Devices




Screen Image Projectors

Voice Response Systems

Software Concepts:

  1. Introduction

Types of Software:

  1. System Software,
  2. Operating Systems – Overview, Definition, Functions, Types – Single user, Multiuser.
  3. Study of different OS – DOS, Windows NT, Windows 9X, Windows 2000, UNIX, LINUX.

Supporting Utilities:

  1. Backup, anti-virus, firewall, spyware, screen savers.

Application software:

  1. Types single user,
  2.  multiple user,
  3. passport license,
  4. campus licence pirated software,
  5. commercial SW- stand alone,
  6. software suites,
  7. freeware,
  8. public domain SW,
  9. Open source,
  10. Word processing SW,
  11. Spreadsheets,
  12. Presentation SW,
  13. Database management SW,
  14. PIM.

The topics covered in Unit 2 – Data Communication and Networks are as follows:

Networking Basics:

  1. Overview: Definition, Advantages
  2. Types: Common types – LANs,WANs, Hybrid Networks – CANs, MANs, HANs. Intranets and Extranets.
  3. Networks structures – Server based, client / server, peer to peer.
  4. Topologies – Star, bus, ring
  5. Network media – wired – twisted pair, co-axial, fibre optic and wireless – radio and infrared.
  6. Network hardware: NICs, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers.
  7. Cables: Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet.
  8. Network protocols: TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NETbios/NetBUI.
  9. Digital Data connections: Broadband connections, DSL Technologies, Cable modem connections, ATM


  1. Overview: Definition, types of connections, sharing internet connection, hot spots.
  2. Internet services: Email, news, FTP, IRC, IM, Online services, peer to peer services, blogs, communities, social networking websites
  3. WWW: IP addresses, domain names, URLs, hperlinks, HTML, Web browsers
  4. Searching the web: Directories, search engines – Boolean search, advanced search, meta search engines.
  5. Cyber crime, cyber law, hacking, sniffing, spoofing, social engineering.


The topics covered in Unit 3 – Office Packages are as follows:

Word Processor:

  1. Word processor,
  2. Features of word processor,
  3. Creating and editing word documents,
  4. Formatting documents,
  5. Working with tables,
  6. Using tools, working with menus,
  7. Creating flowchart, creating templates,
  8. Working with mail – merge, creating macro.

Presentations with power point:

  1. Creating presentation, working with slides, different types of slides,
  2. Setting page layout, selecting background and applying design,
  3. Adding graphics to slide, adding sound and movie,
  4. Working with table, creating chart and graph,
  5. Playing a slideshow, slide transition, advancing slides,
  6. Setting time, rehearsing timing,
  7. Animating slide, animating objects,
  8. Running the show from windows.

Using Excel:

  1. Use of Excel sheet, saving, opening and printing workbook,
  2. Apply formats in cell and text,
  3. Divide worksheet into pages, setting page layout,
  4. Protecting your work, password protection,
  5. Creating and using templates,
  6. Creating and linking multiple spreadsheets,
  7. Add headers /footers to a workbook,
  8. Create formulas that use references to cells in different worksheets,
  9. Creating and using named ranges.


The topics covered in Unit 4 – Advanced Excel and Multimedia are as follows:

Functions in Excel:

  1. Financial functions: FV, PV, PMT, PPMT, IPMT, NPER, RATE, NPV, IRR
  2. Database functions: VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP
  3. Conditional Logic functions: IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF

Data Analysis using Excel;

  1. Using Scenarios, creating and managing a scenario
  2. Using Goal Seek
  3. Using Solver
  4. Pivot Tables – Building Pivot Tables, Pivot Table regions, Rearranging Pivot Table.
  5. Creating simple macros.


  1. What is multimedia?
  2. Multimedia computer systems
  3. Multimedia components
  4. Multimedia applications.


The list of reference books for Introduction to Computers subject is as follows:

  1. Introduction to Computers – Peter Norton, Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill
  2. Computer Fundamentals – P.K. Sinha – B.P.B. Publication
  3. Excel – Missing Manual, Mathew McDonald, O Reilly Press
  4. Fundamentals of Computer – V. Rajaramanna, Prentice Hall
  5. Computers and Commonsense Hunt – J. Shelley, Prentice Hall of India
  6. Fundamentals of Information Technology – A and Leon M., Leon, Vikas 2002
  7. A first course in Computers, Saxena, Sanjay, Vikas Publishing 1998
  8. Fundamentals of Information Technology, Bharioke, Deepak Excel Book 2000


The suggested list of practicals for Introduction to Computers subject is as follows:

1) Practical session covering study of hardware devices – for example: monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, hard drive disk, system unit – graphic cards, sound cards, memory, motherboard and chips

2) Practical session covering Windows Basics: Desktop, taskbar, start menu, my computer, recycle bin, accessories – notepad, calculator, paint etc. System use, keyboard, mouse operations, word pad and paint brush, creating a folder and saving a document, windows shortcuts etc.

3) Working with basic DOS commands – for example: dir, mkdir, copy, md, cd, del, rd, date, cls etc.

4) Creating and formatting the word document:

  • Save the document,
  • Running the spell checker,
  • Text formatting,
  • Change the line spacing of the paragraphs,
  • Applying a hanging indentation,
  • Replacing the word,
  • Insert a soft carriage return,
  • Applying the style Heading
  • Applying page border to the documents
  • Adding a header to the document
  • Using bullet points and numbered list
  • Creating table

5) a) Using mail merge feature to create form letters in Microsoft word

b) Creating a macro in MS Word

6) Creating a powerpoint presentation by using several features. For example inserting graphics, videos, animation, transition, rehearse timing etc.

7) Working with Excel document creating formulae that use references to cells in different worksheets, creating and using named ranges, sorting etc.

8) Working with Financial, Database and Conditional Logic functions in Excel

9) Data analysis using Excel

10) Setting up MS Outlook.

Using internet: surfing, browsing, search engines, email and messenger



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