FYBMS Sem 1 Syllabus: Principles of Management


UBMSFSI.3 : Principles of Management – 50 lectures, 3 credit.

Principles of Management is a Semester 1 subject in FYBMS. Principles of Management subject provides a basis of understanding to the BMS students with reference to working of business organizations through the process of management. Principles of Management inculcates the managerial skills of planning, organizing and controlling and to teach how it can be executed in a variety of circumstances and apply concepts of strategic and tactical organizational planning.

There are 4 main units in Principles of Management subject which are as follows:

Unit 1 – Nature of Management – 10 lectures

Unit 2 – Planning and Decision Making – 12 lectures

Unit 3 – Organizing – 18 lectures

Unit 4 – Directing, Leadership, Coordination and Controlling – 10 lectures


The topics covered in Unit 1 – Nature of Management are as follows:

  1. Management – Concept,
  2. Significance,
  3. Role and skills,
  4. Levels of management,
  5. Concepts of PODSCORB,
  6. Managerial Grid.
  7. Evolution of Management thoughts,
  8. Contribution of F.W. Taylor, Henri Fayol and Contingency Approach

The topics covered in Unit 2 – Planning and Decision Making are as follows:


  1. Meaning,
  2. Importance,
  3. Elements,
  4. Process,
  5. Limitations and MBO.

Decision Making-

  1. Meaning,
  2. Importance,
  3. Process,
  4. Techniques of Decision making.

The topics covered in Unit 3 – Organizing are as follows:


  1. Concepts,
  2. Structure – Formal and informal, line and staff and matrix,
  3. Meaning,
  4. Advantages,
  5. Limitations.


  1. Meaning,
  2. Basis,
  3. Significance.

Span of Control:

  1. Meaning,
  2. Graicunas Theory,
  3. Factors affecting span of control.
  4. Centralization vs Decentralization


  1. Authority and responsibility relationship.

The topics covered in Unit 4 – Directing, Leadership, Coordination and Controlling are as follows:

  1. Directing: Meaning and Process
  2. Leadership: Meaning, Styles and Qualities of a Good Leader
  3. Coordination as an essence of management
  4. Controlling: Meaning, Process and Techniques
  5. Recent trends: Green management and CSR.


Case studies pertaining to the above topics are to be taken by the faculties for better understanding and practical approach.


The list of Reference books of Principles of Management is as follows:

  1. Principles of Management – Ramasamy, Himalaya Publication, Mumbai
  2. Principles of Management – Tripathi Reddy, Tata McGraw Hill
  3. Management Text and Cases – VSP Rao, Excel Books, Delhi
  4. Management Concepts and OB – P.S. Rao and NV Shah, Ajab Pustakalaya
  5. Essentials of management – Koontz II&  W, Mc Graw Hill, New York
  6. Principles of Management – Text and Cases – Dr. M. Sakthivel Murugan, New Age Publications.


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