FYBMS Third Counselling Closing Rank 2015 of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (DDU)



DDUC, established in the year 1990 is one of the constituent colleges of University of Delhi. DDUC offers many undergraduate courses like BMS, BBS, B.Sc., B.A. and so on. The college started the BBS course in 2007 and follows a national level entrance test. Students have to undergo a rigorous process of selection including Group Discussion followed by a personal interview, out of which very few get selected to the course. The college has excellent placement record and invites reputed firms like Bank of America, KPMG, Ernst & Young, Future Group, Lintas, Capital IQ, McKinsey, Computer Sciences Corporation, and so on.

Here we present FYBMS Third Counselling Closing Rank 2015 of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (DDU):

Overall rank of General category – 260

Category ranks:

  • OBC – 118
  • SC – 64
  • ST – 34
  • CW – #
  • PWD – 12

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